I was at True Food Kitchen on a Sunday, sitting at the bar, and two guys broke out into a full on conversation about juicing. Both were recent converts, both did it daily and both were big advocates. I laughed. Here it was a Sunday and they were talking juicing instead of football. Too funny.
Forget coffee, juice is the new java. If you’re not already juicing, you’re thinking about juicing. Either way, we have just what you need: 9 must-know juicing tips from Alexandra Maw, the gal behind Kaleidoscope Juice. Alexandra creates cold-pressed organic juice in fun, ridiculously nutritious flavors. Take the Anton Spinach, a combo of spinach, ginger, green apple, celery, lemon and mint. It’s delish! Follow these tips (and insights) from Alexandra and you’ll be juicing like a pro in no time:
1) It’s better than just eating fruits and vegetables. About 7 lbs of produce makes up one 16oz bottle of our organic cold-pressed juice. That’s a lot of plant power in a few easy gulps! Also, by extracting the fiber, your body gets a break from digesting (digestion takes up about 80% of our energy). Your body can harness this excess energy to detox or address outstanding health challenges or for really exciting things like improving your special powers (seriously!).
2) Pick the right juicer for you. One of the most common questions I get is, “What’s the best juicer?” The answer depends: The Norwalk Cold Press is geared for someone ready to commit to seriously incorporating juicing into their daily life, whereas a Breville or Omega are great for more casual juicers who want a quick clean-up. Check out John’s YouTube’s videos of all the different types of juicers. That’s what I did. I don’t know him personally, but he really does a great job demonstrating all the options: http://www.youtube.com/user/rawfoods
3) If your juicer is king, organic produce is queen. The ingredients are really where the magic happens. Organic produce is key, especially when your body is so easily absorbing the juice. You don’t want to be mainlining any pesticides.
4) Juice in the a.m. for optimal results. I love drinking a juice upon rising. After sleeping through the night, my body is ready to suck up anything I give it, which most days is a nutrient-dense green juice!
5) Build your juice. Start with a base which will give you the bulk of the liquid, such as celery, cucumber, apple, carrot or beet. Then add your leafy greens like kale and spinach, and then think about accents like lemon, cayenne, turmeric root and mint.
6) Think nutrition. Bitter is better when it comes to nutrition. Dark green leafy veggies like collard, chard and dandelion greens are very high in vitamins and minerals. For taste, try adding green apple to brighten the flavor.
7) Be creative with combos. Our most popular juices right now are Anton’s Spinach (spinach, celery, green apple, lemon, ginger, mint) and Keri’s Clean Green (kale, parsley, celery, cucumber, mint, green apple). The Pineapple Wheatgrass Lemonade is a favorite as well with 2 oz wheatgrass, lemon, and pineapple.
8) Have Mason Jars on hand. A juice lover can never have too many Mason Jars. And my new favorite accessory is the Cuppow! which is a fitted lid that turns your canning jar into a travel mug or sippy cup with a spout.
9) Have a plan for your pulp. We feed our leftover scraps and pulp to our chickens and the neighbors’ horses.

Great article!
Thanks Brent! If you haven’t already tried Alexandra’s juices, you should. So good!
Thanks for the shout-out! We love our fresh juices, and we’re really excited about being part of peoples’ healthy lifestyle!
Found you via Blackbird Naturals. Great article – will share!
Great article! Even greater product. I look forward to my next trip to AZ and to my first stop, Kaleidoscope.