Patty Wilson practices what she preaches. The personal trainer, fitness instructor, nutrition & lifestyle coach, figure competitor and fitness model is passionate about living a healthy lifestyle – and loves sharing that dedication with others. “Exercise gives me discipline, determination and dedication,” says Patty. “And because I’m so passionate about what I do, I love to motivate my clients.” Here, Patty motivates us all with her hot body secrets…
How to find a workout you love… I can’t say there is just ONE workout I love, but I do LOVE the benefits I get from working out, especially the way it makes me feel during and after and the way it makes me look. I never do the same routine; for me, variety is KEY! I mix it up by hiking, HIIT training, aerobics classes, cross fit, weight training, strongman lifts and yoga. I also feel that committing to workout out and setting new monthly goals is another way to learn to LOVE and enjoy your journey.
How to eat healthy… I stay away from processed foods and sugar as best I can. I get most of my carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables, and stick to healthy fats such as coconut oil, MCT oils, nuts and, my favorite, avocados. I also opt for grass-fed, organic meats and organic vegetables as often as possible. I hear so many of my clients and women looking to lose weight say all they’re eating are protein shake and bars – and they don’t understand why they’re not losing weight. For me, whole foods are far more beneficial to body composition then meal replacement shakes.
How to avoid over-eating… Making sure to eat a well-rounded breakfast is crucial. And eating every 3 to 4 hours keeps my blood sugar from dropping and cravings to set in, which can cause many to ruin their goals. I also allow myself to enjoy foods that I crave once a week and decrease STRESS 😉
How to tame trouble spots… Lots of water, as it flushes out toxins and also keeps you full and hydrated. Also, by watching my eating and staying away from sugar and processed foods.
How to stay motivated… Motivation for me is waking up every morning knowing that I have been given a special gift: a healthy body! I’m grateful for being able to workout – and I love motivating others to MOVE and workout. Knowing that I’m able to touch someone and motivate them to better their health and bodies is an amazing motivator. I also feel it’s important to “practice what you preach” – and those who know me and train with me, know I’m a perfect role model for this.
To learn more about Patty, follow her on Twitter and Facebook