Ask The Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Repta: Lip Injections, Tummy Tuck, Otoplasty

Dr. Remus Repta, Board Certified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon of Scottsdale, answers the questions that you, the public, have submitted. Dr. Repta and Arizona Foothills Magazine are excited to help bridge the void between the curious public and the expert for safe, informative, and real answers.

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Q. Lip Injections: How often do you need to do them for the lip size that you want? What are the side effects? Is it normal to get lumps or bumps after wards?

A: Achieving fuller lips can be accomplished in a number of different ways. In terms of injections, the hyaluronic acid fillers Juvederm and Restylane-are the most commonly used fillers. These type of injections typically last about four to six months in my experience. There are variations of these products such as Juvederm Ultra Plus and Voluma that will last longer. In general, I recommend starting out with Juvederm or Restylane and then if you like how your lips look and feel, you may try one of the longer lasting fillers later.

Bumps and lumps are not uncommon but, in general, can be avoided if the person injecting does so smoothly. The most common side effect of fillers is bruising due to needles used to inject the filler. Other options for fuller lips include using your own fat or getting a silicone implant. There are advantages and disadvantages to all of these different treatments so an examination and discussion with an experienced injector will be beneficial.

Q. What is the percent of patients that need a second surgery within 10 years of having a tummy tuck or lipo? I want to get lipo or a tummy tuck but don’t know if it’s something that I’d want to do twice.

A:  Thank you for the tummy tuck revision question. The majority of patients do not need a second tummy tuck procedure. With that being said, weight gain/loss and/or pregnancy after a tummy tuck may stretch out the skin enough that a second tummy tuck or a tummy tuck revision may be beneficial. If some weight gain has occurred but the skin tone is maintained, liposuction alone may be performed. In addition to diet and exercise, there are a large variety of treatments available to improve the shape and appearance of the abdomen including liposuction, cool sculpting, and of course, a tummy tuck procedure. Which one would be best suited for you would depend on the quality/looseness of your skin.

Q. What is the type of surgery behind the ears to make them flatter on your head? For it, do you need to be put under anesthesia?

A:  Thank your for the question. The procedure to make the ears lay flatter or closer to the head is called an otoplasty. An otoplasty is the surgical term of ear shaping. In general, prominent ears are the result of the cartilage of the ear being either too big or not curved enough. Through an incision in the back of the ear the cartilage can be reduced and/or reshaped to allow for an ear shape and position that is more desirable. This procedure can be performed fairly easily under local anesthesia alone if desired.

Q. What surgeries do you put a patient asleep/under anesthesia for?

A:  Thank your for the question regarding plastic surgery and anesthesia. Long procedures and complicated procedures generally benefit from general anesthesia to allow the patient more comfort. Almost any procedure can, in theory, be done under local anesthesia but that is not always the wisest choice. In general, tummy tuck, rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, and similar surgeries are performed under general or IV anesthesia. Eyelid lift, ear shaping, fat grafting, scar revision, and other similar smaller procedures can be performed under local anesthesia.

All the best,

Dr. Remus Repta

For more information on Dr. Repta at AAA Plastic Surgery, click here.

For more information on Dr. Repta’s tummy tuck and body contouring procedures, click here.

To ‘Ask the Surgeon’ yourself, email (all inquiries will remain confidential). The top questions will be featured in each month’s “Q&A Ask The Plastic Surgeon” featured blog.

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