Frugalista Finds

The other day I heard an acquaintance saying I how much they hate all these “discount” words that have come out of the economic downturn. They asked – “What is a frugalista anyway…. Doesn’t that just mean being cheap?” Well that depends on your definition of cheap my trust fund friend…. Personally, I agree on the this- may- be- bothersome front that many of these once darling phrases have become rather an annoyance, but necessity is the mother of invention is it not? And I for one care not a darn what anyone wants to call me…cheap, frugal, tightwad or otherwise, I love a bargain as much as I love luxury but I don’t see any reason to drain my wallet just to be in the in crowd…hmmm sorry Luvs soap box removed! So with annoying words in hand and a currently anorexic wallet I decided to set out on a little fabulous frugal journey myself to see what I could scour at my local superstores.


I can’t say enough good things about Target for wallet friendly finds, after all this is the place where you can fully stock your kitchen cabinets with festive holiday tablescapes, pick up a cute knock off bag and walk out with a darling little outfit for less than $100 bucks. The every day wardrobe essentials abound and I for one am jumping on board…snobby crowd frownage or not….I certainly don’t need a label to feel smashing! Currently I am loving this plaid belted coat for less than $50

Forever 21 sequin knit
Forever 21 sequin knit

Forever 21 has some fun little bits that I can’t resist, even if at times the pieces never make it past two washings… but I found some cute little knit numbers that would look darling with a slinky cami and pencil skirt.

Bebe Belinda bootie
Bebe Belinda bootie

And though I rarely make it into Bebe these days there are always good little finds that mix well with office or evening wares like these fun little Belinda leather booties.

H&M  dress
H&M dress

But honestly luv since H& M came to town it’s become rather a challenge to ignore…with Jimmy Choo going live this week if you have a tinge of claustrophobia as I do…it’s best you hit the racks early before the mob. Once I laid my eyes on the Angela Lindvall images from their Back in Black editorial spread I could go no further I must simply have these pieces now… with even the most expensive pieces (like the sequin jacket) still ringing in at under $200 there is no need to persuade….my keys are already in the ignition! Check it out on their site and you too will swoon

H&M Sequin jacket and cami
H&M Sequin jacket and cami

  1. i haven’t been yet to h&m either, but i did go in target the other day – – such cute dresses! very impressed…

  2. I have this jacket that’s from target and everywhere I go strangers give me compliments on it, they’re amazed when I say where it’s from!

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