Best of Our Valley Spotlight: A Perfect Fit, ‘Best Nanny Agency’

Jennifer Thomas, M.Ed & owner of A Perfect Fit

For over the past 20 years, we’ve celebrated the Valley’s best. From the top businesses and professionals to the people who make it all happen, Arizona Foothills Magazine’s annual Best of Our Valley contest recognizes Arizona’s crème de la crème across more than 400 categories. From the best doctors and best resort down to the best cup of coffee you can find around town, each Best of titleholder is chosen by those who know the city best – our readers.

Each week, we’ll be highlighting individual winners from Best of Our Valley 2018, who share their advice, insights and thoughts on what it means to be a part of this exclusive list.

The Best of spotlight is on A Perfect Fit, which claimed Best Nanny Agency. Congrats, A Perfect Fit!

Jennifer Thomas, M.Ed & owner of A Perfect Fit

AFM: In a brief 2-3 sentences, please tell us a little bit about A Perfect Fit — 
Jennifer Thomas (JT), M.Ed, Owner of A Perfect Fit: A Perfect Fit was created from a passion for children. We are a full-service nanny agency dedicated to delivering personal assistance in finding the right candidate for every family. We provide guidance throughout the nanny search and work closely with our families to meet their childcare needs.

AFM: What does it mean to you to be a Best of Our Valley winner?
JT: It means that the people have spoken and they believe in us and what we do at A Perfect Fit. It is great to know that all of our hard work and efforts have been noticed and are truly appreciated!

AFM: In your opinion, what is the best part about being the Best of Our Valley’s Best Nanny Agency?
JT: The exposure and validity have been great! And who doesn’t love bragging rights?!

AFM: Have you seen any benefits as a result of being a BOOV winner?
JT: Yes, we have received many new nannies and families as a result of being a BOOV winner. Yay!

AFM: How does A Perfect Fit put its “best” foot forward every day? 
JT: The nanny placement process is a unique service that entails an unwavering commitment to detail. Every family is unique, and we pride ourselves in getting to know each and every family and nanny in order to make A Perfect Fit.

Interested in participating or want to recommend a business, professional or individual for Best of Our Valley? Best of Our Valley 2019 is now accepting nominations. Click here to find out more!

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