There I was, lying in savasana after an hour of power yoga, limp from all the sun salutations, when the calming scent of lavender sent me into an even deeper state of bliss. Deep exhale. And then my feet were treated to an end-of-class foot massage, a reflexology rub that turned me into limp spaghetti.
Only a good yoga class leaves me feeling like pasta—and that’s exactly what happened at Mind|Body Yoga Studio, a brand new downward dog den in Scottsdale. The magic hands and magic teaching belonged to Chris (short for Christine), an obvious athlete who simultaneously powered up my muscles and powered down my monkey mind — a one-two punch in yoga.
The studio isn’t too big… or too small… it’s just right. It boasts a pillow-filled lobby and two yoga studios that host across-the-board classes, from restorative to warm flow. But what really struck me was the neighborly vibe. For a studio that hasn’t even been open a week, it already has that everyone-knows-your-name energy. Chris and the crew are a big reason. The teachers, led by Lauren, are bubbly and bendy—and there for your mind just as much as your body. The result: All that positive energy casts an unpretentious net over the whole space, so whether you’re a veteran or a newbie, you’ll feel very much at home. How very… yoga of them.
To kick off their opening, we’re giving away a one-month unlimited membership – Wohoo! And all you have to do to enter is….
*Follow me on Twitter @AZFoothillsFit.
*And Tweet this message: I just entered to win a one-month membership from MindBodyPhx.com @AZFoothillsFit! http://tinyurl.com/aqay5wv #MINDBODYREVOLUTION
Deadline: Tuesday January 22, 2013 (don’t worry, I’ll remind you). The winner will be selected at random on Wednesday January 23, 2013.
So what are you still doing reading… go enter already!