Everyone knows that a Sunday well spent brings a week of content. However, most people spend their entire day playing and then 8pm rolls around and the panic sets in. Instead, set yourself up for success by doing these simple tasks every Sunday. It may take a little extra effort on the front end but it will make the rest of your week go a lot smoother!

Plan and prep your meals for the week:
-Grocery shop for the week. For more ideas on this check out my article called “How to create a healthy grocery list”
-Prep the necessary items. Meal prepping doesn’t have to mean that you prep every single thing you will eat and shove your refrigerator full of tupperware. Just prep the things that take the most time or are a hassle to do everyday. I also wrote an article about this called “Planning and prepping your meals”
-Make a menu for the week… and stick to it. This is the meal planning side of planning and prepping your meals. You can prep all the food you want but if you don’t have a plan it is useless. Also, if your “cheat meal” is what drives you to get through the week make sure you factor that in also
Schedule your workouts for the week:
-It is a cheesy saying but it works … Treat your workouts like important meetings with yourself that you can’t cancel! Workouts are usually the first thing we get rid of if life gets busy or we get stressed. If you pretend this is a really important meeting that you can not cancel you are more likely to make it happen.
-Make sure to be realistic when scheduling your workouts. We all have that sunday night burst of motivation and think we can work out 4 times a day 7 times a week.. and then monday morning rolls around and that just isn’t going to happen. Schedule 5-6 1 hour workouts and 1-2 rest days for the week. That is more than enough! Remember, quality over quantity.
Layout your clothes for the week:
-This may be going the extra mile but it will help! Lay out your workout clothes for each day. This will help you feel like you are one step ahead of the game and it will be one less thing to worry about when it comes time to break a sweat.
Catch some Z’s:
-Get to sleep early so that you can start your week of with a bang! Then try to wake up a little earlier on Monday morning so that you have time to relax and get your day off to a stress free and successful start!
Madison Murray is a certified personal trainer, group exercise instructor, certified sports and exercise nutrition coach and a certified functional strength coach. For more information head to www.madfitaz.com or check her out on instagram at @mmmadisonmurray