So I gave Derrick Jones-Nelson (Az Foothills Photographer) a few options as to where we should venture off to next and he decided on I.FLY Trapeze at the Phoenician Resort. I thought to myself if he’s ok taking photos in mid-air I should be ok flying in mid-air … Right?
As we approached I.FLY Trapeze, I couldn’t help but to think of that quote by Erin Hanson, “Fall? Oh, but my darling what if you fly?”
And when we arrived, let me tell you, the I.FLY Trapeze team made flying look like a piece of cake.
Meet from left to right Jules, Kelly, Marco (owner), Dylan and Nick. We watched as they ran through a quick practice for the free show they put on at the Phoenician once a month (next free show is 2/16 at 7:00 pm).

Just watching the team was an exhilarating experience; they flew so gracefully and didn’t even have to wear a harness.

Next after a brief overview by I.FLY Trapeze owner, it was my turn to climb the ladder. As I got higher and higher up the ladder, I looked down to Marco and asked, “Can I come down?” and Marco said very calmly, “No you can’t Toniann.”

So I stood on the platform letting Marco talk me through next steps. At all times, the entire I.FLY Trapeze team ensures you are connected to a safety line so you are 100% safe but for some reason I just couldn’t get myself to let go.

Marco added another member of the I.FLY Trapeze team to the platform to make sure I felt comfortable enough to take that next step. If you think about it, we spend all of our time in the gym exercising at least six times a week so we know our body can physically do it, but to mentally believe our body can do it and to let go of that control that we try so hard to hold onto is another story. It takes more courage to let something go than it does to hang onto it but you when you let go you release expectations and are free to enjoy things for what they are instead of what you think they should be. So at that moment I jumped off the platform (let’s face it, I really had no other choice haha)

Marco, the owner of I.FLY Trapeze coached me very thoroughly while in the air. While I was flying in the air there was no thinking, there was just listening to Marco’s voice and doing. The first thing Marco had me do was to bring me feet up on the bar between my legs and hang holding onto the bar with my legs. Marco even had Derrick Jones-Nelson (AZ Foothills Photographer) get in on the action.

Next Marco had us grab a hold of the bar, bring our legs back down and swing three times in order to do a back-flip dismount. Something that Derrick and I have never done. Derick was able to flip the first time Marco asked him too; I on the other hand didn’t do the flip the first time he asked. I still managed to ‘over-think’ the command while flying in mid-air.

Often time’s I think my mind is a little too strong and wish I could shut it down more often. I’m sure you heard of that saying I got 99 problems and 86 of them are completely made up scenarios in my head that I’m stressing about for absolutely no logical reason haha
On that note, I let go and did a back-flip. I do wish my form looked a little prettier though.

Marco and the I.FLY Trapeze team had Derrick and I run through that about three times each before moving to the next stage of the program. Each time it got a little easier to let go.

Next up was the ‘catch and release.’ This time when we put our legs though our hands and hung upside down we were to grab onto I.FLY Trapeze instructor Nick and let go of the bar with our legs when Marco let us know the timing was right.

Believe it or not, this part wasn’t very nerve-racking. I.FLY Trapeze instructor’s Nick grasp was very strong so when he clasped hands with me I kind of knew I was letting go whether I liked it or not. And then he released me after a few times of swaying back and forth. Don’t let his smile below fool you, he’s smiling not because he caught me but because he’s about to let go haha

You know, every day we count reps in the gym and count calories on the day to day basis to maintain control. But take some time to exercise your strength. Remember, Christopher Barzak said, “Real strength isn’t control. It’s knowing when to let go.”

Let go and experience things for what they are and don’t let any pre-conceived notions get in your way of possibly experiencing one of the best moment you could ever feel.
For more information on I.FLY trapeze you can visit them at All ages are welcome, 4 & up & No experience necessary! Until next adventure, Toniann