Name: Colin Kreager
Facebook: Colin Kreager
Instagram: @Colin_Kreager
Age: 27
Title: Associate Broker
Married/Single: Single
Kids: None
City you live in: Scottsdale
A typical day in my life includes… Wake up, exercise (it’s best when I can go to a trail in one of the mountain ranges around the valley), work, spend time with friends and explore all the fun stuff to do in the area, then try to get to bed at a decent time.
I was born… in Kalamazoo, MI
My favorite thing about Arizona… Is the mountains. I moved to the Phoenix area for the access to so many miles of hiking in various mountain ranges in and around the valley.
I’m listening to… Big Wild
My family… is one of the most important parts of my life. I have an older brother and a younger sister, along with two amazing parents.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be… My paternal grandpa. He passed when my dad was a teenager, so I never got to meet him.
One thing I cannot live without… Travel. I’m borderline obsessed with traveling to visit friends or to exciting places to have new experiences.
When I was younger, I wanted to be… A professional soccer player.
I’m inspired by… My parents. The life they built for our family has taught me lots of lessons for how I want to continue building mine.
The one person who motivates me is… Both of my parents!
If I could change anything in the world, it would be… To improve solutions for those struggling with mental health or addiction challenges.
The perfect day would be… Full of friends, family, exploring the outdoors, whiskey, and steak.
My first job was… A dishwasher at a restaurant in Richland, MI.
My favorite escape… A few years ago, I lived on the Spanish island of Mallorca for about a year. I still try to go back to see the people I became close with at least once a year. That is, and always will be, my favorite escape.
My life… Is a work in progress.
I’m currently working on… training for an ultra-marathon. It’s a 100-mile race here in Phoenix in January, in the Estrella Mountain Regional Park.
Always… Trust your gut.
Never… Settle for things in your life that you know deep down aren’t what’s best for you. Relationships, jobs, anything. If you think you can do better, chances are you’re right. Take the risk.
Favorite Quote… “Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So, love the people who treat you right, forgive the ones who don’t, and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get the chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said it would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.”
Biggest Dream… A life full family, friends, travel, and freedom over my time.
My Pet Peeve(s)… Complainers, bad energy, and when people are unnecessarily rude to anyone in the service industry.
More About Colin Kreager:
An Associate at ABI Multifamily, Colin Kreager is a Michigan-and Arizona-licensed Real Estate Agent. Prior to joining ABI, Colin was the Marketing and Analytics Lead at Michigan Lifestyle Properties, a top brokerage firm specializing in the sale of lifestyle homes throughout the state. While representing clients on the disposition of their properties, he led website development, internet marketing, and search engine optimization for each campaign. Before his entry into real estate, Colin provided a marketing & analytical edge for his clients having served as Media Supervisor for a large advertising agency in Chicago.
There he was responsible for media campaign planning for a variety of accounts in the finance and business development industries. Colin graduated from the University of Missouri with a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism -Strategic Communication with Minors in Business, Spanish, and Multicultural Studies. Colin also holds a certificate in Integrated Marketing Communications from Northwestern University. After college, he spent a year living abroad in Spain, where he taught English in Mallorca, and still works to keep up his conversational Spanish skills today. Outside of his passion for real estate investment, Colin enjoys sports and travel. A competitive soccer player growing up, he transitioned to playing rugby in college and enjoys hiking and running. He has taken multiple extended trips abroad adventuring to North & South America, Africa, Europe, and Asia.