Name: Megan Smith
Twitter: @meg4nsmithh
Facebook: Megan Smith
Instagram: @megan_smithh
Age: 24
Title: Real Estate Professional
Married/Single: Single
Kids: No
City you live in: Arcadia
A typical day in my life includes… exercise, walking the dog, showings, and softball!
I was born… in San Antonio, Texas (military brat)
My favorite thing about Arizona… Community, active lifestyle and weather!
I’m listening to… Anything with a good beat
My family… is my world!
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be… my late Uncle David, he was so special to me.
One thing I cannot live without… my dog, Bo Jackson
When I was younger, I wanted to be… an FBI agent
I’m inspired by… the beautiful women in my life who lead their lives with gratitude, grace, and love.
The one person who motivates me is… my older brother, Ryan… he’s the best.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be… the division of people, animals, and the Earth. We need more love, more kindness, more acts of wonder. It’s a miracle we are here.
The perfect day would be… laying on a blanket in the middle of a park, bordered by trees. Book in one hand, iced coffee in the other, and my dog running free.
My first job was… Line Cook at Cafe Rio
My favorite escape… Softball, after playing Division 1 in college, I needed a new escape when I moved to Arizona. I now play for fun twice a week and they’re truly my favorite days of the week.
My life… amazes me. I am so thankful to experience life on this miraculous planet.
I’m currently working on… building a real estate business based on values, expertise, empathy, and commitment for my clients.
Always… laughing
Never… angry
Favorite Quote… “The sun can make you take off your coat more quickly than the wind; and kindliness, the friendly approach and appreciation can make people change their minds more readily than all the bluster and storming in the world.” – Dale Carnegie
Biggest Dream… To live in a home with a big yard, dogs, horses, trees and surrounded by the people I love.
My Pet Peeve(s)… Lack of empathy and compassion for others.