Michelle Keoghan is the owner of Scottsdale-based Valleygirl Boutique. Shop and learn more at www.valleygirlscottsdale.com, @valleygirlscottsdale_
AZF: What excites you most about being an entrepreneur?
MK: I love creating something based on what women are needing in their life, like attainable fashion!
AZF: What is your “life motto”?
MK: Do what you love, you’re not getting this day back!
AZF: Did you always know that you wanted to be entrepreneur? If not, when did you realize that it was the right path right for you?
MK: I used to want to stand in the background a bit more but I realized I don’t have to have all the answers to be successful. I’ve learned from my mentors that it’s more important to ask questions and be open than to feel like you know it all.
AZF: How do you feel best supported?
MK: Feeling supported as an entrepreneur is so important, you can really feel like you’re on an island by yourself. I look forward to the Foundress meetings because we all relate to the same issues and celebrate the little things.
AZF: What motivates you to keep going amidst of the challenges that come with being an entrepreneur?
MK: Every year I look back and see how much I’ve learned and the growth is substantial. Sometimes we learn the hard way as business owners but the wins are so rewarding.
AZF: Describe your perfect Saturday morning.
MK: My perfect Saturday morning is watching my kids sports (because let’s be real, those never end) then heading to brunch.
AZF: What’s one piece of advice you’d give to a young entrepreneur who is just starting out?
MK: The fear will be there no matter what, push past it if you’re passionate and keep moving forward. When you get stuck, find a mentor.
About The Foundress
The Foundress is a creative community of female entrepreneurs established by Coley Arnold and Lindsey Holt, owners of Junk in the Trunk Vintage Market. The women-led networking group currently has over 120 members who receive exclusive access to mentorship from experienced female entrepreneurs and industry leaders; community gatherings that feature expert speakers and the opportunity to connect with like-minded women; as well as monthly Mastermind Groups where members can brainstorm and collaborate together.
Every Friday AZF will spotlight a member of The Foundress and her business in the online series Foundress Fridays. Learn more about The Foundress and join the community at www.foundress.co.