Name: Maureen Noe
Twitter: @AZHelpingHands
Facebook: @AZHelpingHands
Instagram: @AZHelpingHands
Website: www.azhelpinghands.org
Age: Embracing 60 with energy and life.
Title: President & CEO
Married/Single: Single
Kids: 2 and counting – they are my life and my joy!
City you live in: Phoenix
A typical day in my life includes… waking up fast, coming to the office and intentionally connecting each member of the team, focusing on the best way to serve children on a foster care journey with super smart colleagues, volunteers and donors and finally wrapping up the day with a list of projects still to do as I drive away exhausted and fulfilled from a day well spent.
I was born… in Nigeria as my parents were missionaries.
My favorite thing about Arizona… mountains, the sunshine, and how welcoming the community has been to me.
I’m listening to… Christmas Jazz, hot country, and right now I am rereading Glennon Doyle’s Untamed on Audible.
My family… are some of my favorite people and I cherish that they continue bringing me into their lives to celebrate their personal journeys – the good and their opportunities for growth.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be… in a relaxing environment on an island enjoying thought-provoking and fun-filled conversation-and if Michelle Obama happened to stop by and join us then all the better!
One thing I cannot live without… Personally, fresh air, exercise (mountain climbing, hiking and yoga), and friends and family. Professionally, I need learning opportunities and room to stretch and grow not only for myself but the organization I am a part of.
When I was younger, I wanted to be… When I was an undergrad I started my path to become a Physical Therapist and was quickly intrigued by the study of human behaviors and interactions, which set me on a path to lead complex organizations.
I’m inspired by… the people of Arizona and their unwavering commitment to ensuring that children on a foster care journey are thriving- not to mention the countless families who open their hearts and homes to children when they need us most… The volunteers and donors who continuingly respond to the call by pouring out their time and resources to make a difference… The Arizona Helping Hands staff and board who come in every day to take what we are doing to the next level and are constantly innovating and pushing the envelope to bring the WOW Factor to this community.
The one person who motivates me is… for any project that seems insurmountable is the person or the people it affects the most. It’s the community I am serving that keeps me going.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be… advocating for those who don’t have a voice. It’s about building networks and systems so that we all get to win.
The perfect day would be… enjoying some quiet time, meditating on the day, taking a brisk walk on mountain trails, spending time with colleagues and other like-minded people working toward solving complex issues to support the children in our community experiencing foster care, and finally wrapping up the day in reflection with a feeling of serenity that the day was as it needed it to be.
My first job was… working with my Dad as a tax accounting clerk. I filed paperwork and update his IRS tax regulation binders. Exciting! =)
My favorite escape… exercising and watching movies. My current favorite is Redeeming Love – but I have to admit it is sometimes difficult to watch. I enjoy stories that portray human strength and resiliency… and a romantic comedy is always fun too.
My life… represents my faith – it’s strong, nimble, and ever-searching.
I’m currently working on… As we enter Arizona Helping Hand’s 25th Anniversary year -building on the strong base that came before us- we are currently launching a 30-month strategic plan focused on unique and purposeful collaborations, improving our technology and systems to expand our capacity, and making strategic service decisions to rapidly expand access to our foster children and families across the state. We are on a mission to support the foster care community, providing essentials to benefit children in foster care.
Always… be patient with myself/yourself – a reminder that is important to me.
Never… underestimate the power of discernment, perseverance, and humility.
Favorite Quote… “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it’s the only thing that ever has.”- Margaret Mead
Biggest Dream… Personally, that I am able to keep reimagining myself so I can be the best steward of my resources (time, talent, and skills) for the community I serve. My biggest dream for the work I do is that every player is able to excel with their own gifts and talents- all moving toward a common goal.
My Pet Peeve(s)…negativity and when projects don’t have an identified goal in mind. It just leaves everyone spinning their wheels.