Trendsetter to Know: Lauren Lerner, CEO and Founder of Living with Lolo

Name: Lauren Lerner

Instagram: @livingwithloloaz 


Age: 40

Title: CEO and Founder

Married/Single: Single

Kids: One 9-year-old

City you live in: Scottsdale

My day usually begins with…a cappuccino and often wraps up with either a hike or a mountain bike ride. In between, I juggle being a busy mom to a child and two dogs while also running my own business.

I was born… in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

My favorite thing about Arizona…is the stunning weather, along with its beautiful hiking and mountain biking trails, offer a perfect blend of outdoor experiences.

I’m listening to ..Fleetwood Mac and Taylor Swift.

My family.. is everything to me!

One thing I cannot live without…is a cup of tea at night.

When I was younger, I wanted to be…a veterinarian.

I am inspired by… people who persevere in the face of adversity, who show kindness and empathy toward others, and who continually strive to learn and grow.

I motivate myself by…setting clear goals and breaking them down into achievable steps. Visualizing success and surrounding myself with positivity help keep me focused and inspired. By staying disciplined, celebrating small victories, and prioritizing self-care, I  maintain momentum and continually move closer to accomplishing my aspirations.

If I could change anything in the world, it would be… to promote global harmony and understanding, fostering empathy and cooperation among all nations and peoples.

The perfect day would be…balancing relaxation with exploring nature, capped off by a delightful dinner at a new restaurant.

My first job was…babysitting.

My favorite escape…is relaxing in Punta Mita, Mexico or skiing in Telluride. 

My life… is everything I’ve ever wanted it to be!

I’m currently working on…an expanded division of our business focusing on residential construction. 

Always…do the things that scare you the most.

Never…avoid uncomfortable conversations.

Favorite Quote… “Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions.”

Biggest Dream…To build a remote but luxurious mountain cabin where I could spend my days hiking, biking and relaxing during the hot summer months.

My Pet Peeve(s)…are people not doing what they say, being late, and unkind people.

Bio-on yourself/company: Lauren Lerner is the CEO, Principal Designer and Founder of Living with Lolo, a top-rated design firm located in Scottsdale, Arizona. Lauren’s career path started in business and sales, but she always loved dabbling in design any chance she could get. Taking a huge leap of faith, Lauren pursued design by starting her own firm in 2017 with an approach that focuses on how a space makes her clients feel, rather than simply how it looks. Lauren has assembled a diverse team of designers and operations professionals to offer white-glove interior design services nationwide.

Designer to many celebrities, athletes and busy executives, Living with Lolo has been featured in national publications for their unique style, recognized as one of Arizona’s top 10 interior designers, and named to Luxe Interior + Design’s Next in Design 99 list.

Lauren resides in Scottsdale with her son, Zachary, and her two pups. In her free time, Lauren loves traveling and exploring new cultures, being in the outdoors, having spa days to unwind and get grounded, and trying new restaurants. Inspiration is everywhere, and exploration and continual growth are core to Lauren’s lifestyle. 

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