Trendsetter to Know: Dr. Nicole Saphier, Breast Cancer Specialist and Best-Selling Author


Age: 42

Title: Which one? I have a few! Associate Professor, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Owner, DropRX Premium Nutraceuticals. Medical Contributor, Fox News Channel. National Bestselling Author (FOX News Books’ Love: Mom will be on sale on April 16, 2024). Soccer Mom.

Married/Single: Married to Paul, neurosurgeon by day, amateur chef at night.

Kids: 3 boys

City you live in: Far Hills, New Jersey

A typical day in my life includes… In the chaotic circus of life, some days I feel like the ringmaster while others I feel part of the clown car. Most days are filled with juggling busy patient schedules, filling sports water bottles, and navigating camera crews while trying to maintain my own mental and physical wellbeing.

Despite my extracurricular activities, I still work full-time in the hospital so writing, television appearances, and more are scheduled based on my hospital hours. While my oldest son has graduated from college, the two younger boys are still in middle school and keeping our family busy as ever with soccer and basketball commitments. Often it feels as though there aren’t enough hours in the day but somehow, we manage to get it all day. And you can be sure, I am in bed by 9pm every night!

I was born… in Scottsdale, AZ

My favorite thing about Arizona… are the memories and family that will forever live in Arizona.

I’m listening to… the audiobook of Love, Mom – the greatest collection of inspiring stories I have ever heard.

My family… is the cornerstone of my existence, the compass guiding me through life’s tumultuous seas. Without them, I wouldn’t be me. Simply put, family is everything.

If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be… my Mommom. Sure, most people would say a celebrity here but I would give anything for one more day with my grandmother, who died of late stage breast cancer while I was in medical school. Her tragedy led me to choose my specialty and is the reason why I have dedicated my professional life to early cancer detection and treatment. She never got to see the MD behind my name despite being one of my biggest supporters pushing me to pursue medicine.

One thing I cannot live without… is my Billecart Champagne. It’s like liquid joy in a glass, popping corks and bubbling laughter – the only beverage that makes me feel like royalty even if when wearing pajamas.

When I was younger, I wanted to be… a doctor. The notion of healing others and making a difference in people’s lives fueled my childhood dreams, planting the seeds for a future dedicated to medicine.

I’m inspired by… my younger self. Looking back at her I see a spark of curiosity, endless resilience, and full of passion that still ignites my spirit today. Those childhood dreams of becoming a doctor and then having a son at a young age were seeds of determination planted in the fertile soil of my youth. They remind me to embrace challenges with the same wide-eyed wonder and unwavering belief that anything is possible. My younger self serves as a constant reminder to never lose sight of the drive that once propelled me forward, shaping who I am today and guiding me towards the person I aspire to be tomorrow.

The person/people who motivate(s) me is/are… my children. Every day, my children are my greatest source of inspiration and motivation. Their laughter, their innocence, and their boundless curiosity remind me of the importance of chasing dreams and never giving up. As I look into their eyes, I see a reflection of the future, spurring me on to be the best version of myself, to overcome obstacles, and to strive for greatness, not just for my sake, but for theirs as well. In their presence, I find the strength to push beyond limits and reach for the stars, fueled by a love that knows no bounds.

If I could change anything in the world, it would be… to dedicate every resource and ounce of determination to eradicating cancer. I have diagnosed far too many people with this devastating disease. I would go to earth’s end to take away the pain that comes with a cancer diagnosis, not only for the patient but for their family and friends as well.

The perfect day would be… playing tennis with my husband and kids in the morning, lounging on the beach reading a book all day warmed by the sun, followed by a fierce game of monopoly in the evening before dinner.

My first job was… working in a hair salon answering phones, sweeping the floors and washing hair.

My favorite escape… is in a historical fiction book.

My life… is my kind of perfection; perfectly imperfect.

I’m currently working on… launching a line of organic nutraceutical tinctures to help people feel better naturally.

Always… busy.

Never… bored.

Favorite Quote… “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.”
Robert Frost

Biggest Dream… is living each day to the fullest because my profession has taught me, tomorrow is never guaranteed.

My Pet Peeve(s)… is entitled people demanding from others while contributing nothing themselves.

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