Name: Gregg A. Ostro
Age: 68
Title: Founder, CEO of GO Media
Married/Single: Single
Kids: 4
City you live in: Scottsdale/Dewey Humboldt
A typical day in my life includes…
gourmet coffee, fresh squeezed OJ, humor with a big dollop of puns, swimming laps or biking miles, writing, meetings, immersing in my clients’ worlds to envision the solutions they seek, observing life and the human condition and helping charities with a focus on lifting children to a better life.
I was born…
at a very early age…in Chicago, Illinois
My favorite thing about Arizona…
it’s a place of beauty and vast opportunities, excellent quality of life and the ocean is close.
I’m listening to…
Ed Sheeran, 21 Pilots, Classic Rock, Meghan Trainor, R&B.
My family…
is a giant source of joy and inspiration and there’s never a shortage of divergent opinions which keeps things very lively. We help each other be grounded, accountable, and real.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be…
Paul McCartney, Alan Dershowitz.
One thing I cannot live without…
breathing! But really my love for and from family and friends, doing good for the community especially children and veterans, and being vital and highly effective in my work.
When I was younger, I wanted to be…
a person who found what he loves to do, be the very best I can be at it and to be paid handsomely for it.
I’m inspired by…
Integrity Tigers – those who make integrity the first, last and overriding consideration in their actions and who stand tall for integrity when others do not, integrity driven leaders, smarts, heart, compassion, those who have the vision, courage and undying passion to create new and better ways that include redeeming values.
The one person who motivates me is…
my mom who departed when I was 17. Her impact is still vibrant and alive in me today, her presence palpable, and I want her to be proud of me. The other “one person” are my children.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be…
replacing hate with love.
The perfect day would be…
one with my loved ones safe and well, joyous time with my significant other, giving a stranger who’s hurting from a “punch” In life some consoling and offering a fresh and optimistic perspective.
My first job was…
retail clerk at age 5, waiting on customers at my mom’s little hardware store, cleaning, stocking shelves and getting to play “Christmas” as we sold trimming accouterment (I’m Jewish so it’s Hanukah for us.)
My favorite escape…
the ocean, mountains, a great fiction book.
My life…
is blessed and rich in what matters, like a great family who’s close and connected, respect from those I admire, and my life is a journey of discovery, passion, achievement, and helping humanity.
I’m currently working on…
a book entitled, “Famous Moments with Famous People” (I’ve interviewed 2,000 + celebrities), a global video project for Pepsi / Gatorade, Integrity Summit 7, and being a better human being.
treat everyone with respect and dignity, lift up and don’t put down, live by integrity, tell your loved ones you love them, always find the high ground.
cheat, hurt or exploit others, take the last Morning Bun from Lux Coffee unless you’ll be blazing out of town before I can catch you.
Favorite Quote…
“The only thing that will get you where you want to go is YOU. The only thing that will keep you from where you want to go is YOU.” –Gregg Ostro
Biggest Dream…
to consult strategically about messaging and write content of the greatest import for a US President.
My Pet Peeve(s)…
people stopped by tiny pebbles on the road of life.
More about Greg…
Gregg Ostro is a nationally recognized strategic solutions and communications expert and the President/CEO of Phoenix-based GO Media Companies and co-founder of Integrity Summit. He loves to deliver desired outcomes at standard-setting levels and welcomes impossible deadlines. He thrives when when the stakes are really big and failure can’t be in the vocabulary—as long as everything is built on and infused with integrity.
GO Media Companies and Gregg Ostro are often the choice for critically important projects ranging from TV-Network level video production, workforce advancement, strategic relations, events from concept through completion, and strategic communications solutions for Pepsico, Colliers International, Fiesta Bowl, Banner Health, Xerox, Playworks, Jerry Colangelo, Celebrity Fight Night, Catholic Charities, Jewish National Fund, St. Vincent de Paul, Greenberg-Traurig and other leading organizations.