Stephen Gubernick

Name: Stephen Gubernick





Age: 36                  

Title: Chief Clinical Officer at Modern Acupuncture

Married/Single: Married

Kids: 2 girls. 6 and 9

City you live in: Scottsdale

A typical day in my life includes…

exercise, meditation, and planning the day in the morning. Kissing my wife and girls and heading to Modern Acupuncture. Typically will spend time with the acupuncturists and Zen Advisors discussing success stories, feedback, and looking for ways to improve our results and customer experience. Often the day results in speaking with current or potential franchisees about Modern Acupuncture. The day ends with dinner and telling the kids to go to bed for an hour, then snuggles.

I was born…

in Pennsylvania, but have lived in AZ for 30 years.

My favorite thing about Arizona…

the 7 months of perfect weather, golf courses, and great places we have access to by car (San Diego, Northern AZ, etc).

I’m listening to…

constantly, audiobooks on personal development and business.

My family…

is healthy and connected. We eat organic, live a healthy lifestyle and spend as much time doing fun things together as possible.

If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be…

Tony Robbins. You never know what Tony could say that could change your life. I have learned a ton from him and it has really impacted me.

One thing I cannot live without…

my wife and kids. They are the highest priority in my life. Maybe I can squeeze my labradoodle in there too.

When I was younger, I wanted to be…

an NFL player or a bird. I have always had a strong passion for sports and competition. Always thought being able fly like a bird would be fun.

I’m inspired by…

overcoming adversity. I love success stories of those who’ve struggled and didn’t give up.

The one person who motivates me is

a lot of people: wife, my kids, Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn. But, for now I would have to say I like Jocko Willink, Navy Seal and author of Extreme Ownership. I love reading a listening to his stories.

If I could change anything in the world, it would be…

changing people’s perception of how they approach their health from reactive and pills to proactive and being preventative with natural things like acupuncture.

The perfect day would be…

spending the day with my family enjoying organic food, golf, 79 degrees, with my happy kids and wife.

My first job was…

handing out flyers at nursing homes, marketing my parents pharmacy.

My favorite escape…

playing golf in Northern AZ. I love the mountains and nature.

My life…

is about growth. I am always pushing for more and better in every category. I believe every phase of life leads you or prepares you for the next phase.

I’m currently working on…

gaining clarity on why I am passionate about natural health. I am reading Simon Sinek’s new book, Find Your Why to help articulate the why.


zoom out and see the big picture. There are usually more important things that get missed with tunnel vision.


listen to others resistance when you believe in an idea. This is why Modern Acupuncture exists. I read a book called, Do the Work and became aware of how resistance can stop your ideas.

Favorite Quote…

”Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth” – Mike Tyson

Biggest Dream…

healthy kids with goals, high standards and great character. Also, growing Modern Acupuncture around the world to be a regular part of people’s lives.

My Pet Peeve(s)…

slow drivers on freeway in the left lane.

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