Name: Heather Christopherson
Age: hahaha, that’s a cute question.
Title: call me Doc (graduate from the American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine)
Married/Single: married!
Kids: does 6 pounds of furry four-legged cuteness count?
City you live in: Houston, TX and missing Arizona every day.
A typical day in my life includes…
wake up well before dawn. Make Dr. Gundry’s green smoothies for the hubs and I, down a cappuccino, thank the medicine gods for scrubs and head to the hospital. Round on my patients with a smile on my face (this usually helps when you wake them before the sun has risen), spend the next 14 hours managing their blood pressures/respiratory rates/electrolyte imbalances/draining fluid from their abdomens/inserting lines into their vessels/and learning as much medicine as possible. Speed out of hospital to fit in a workout class at Equinox, then home to the handsome hubs and little pup, sleep…rinse and repeat.
I was born…
in Phoenix, AZ.
My favorite thing about Arizona…
how active, healthy, attractive and happy the residents are.
I’m listening to…
NPR and Audible while driving; Beyonce, The Weekend, Selena Gomez, Lil’ Wayne and Drake when I workout.
My family…
wishes I could return to Arizona.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be…
my Grandfather Nathan Perlmutter, he was the head of the Anti-defamation league and I hero against racism. I never got to meet him.
One thing I cannot live without…
exercise! It is the one thing that keeps my mind and body feeling great.
When I was younger, I wanted to be…
a spy.
I’m inspired by…
women who have it all: careers, families, great bodies, friendships and talents.
The one person who motivates me is…
Max, my husband. He has deployed eight times to Afghanistan as an Air Force pilot and now flies for United Air Lines. He is much more fearless than I am and always knows how to push me out of my comfort zone.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be…
child abuse. So many children are put in a deficit so early in life by the mental and physical trauma of abuse.
The perfect day would be…
waking up in rested, great workout, breakfast at La Grande Orange, spa day, and an evening with my husband and friends filled with lots of great wine and no hangover the next day.
My first job was…
scooping ice cream at Cold Stone Creamery for minimum wage and a “holler for a dollar”.
My favorite escape…
the Greek Islands!
My life…
is nothing like I ever imagined.
I’m currently working on…
becoming a gastroenterologist.
wash your hands.
stop believing in yourself.
Favorite Quote…
“No one ever left the gym saying I wish I didn’t go.” – I might have made this one up to convince myself to workout LOL.
Biggest Dream…
to look back at my life and feel like I made a difference.
My Pet Peeve(s)…
paying for bad food and people who complain.