Meet Face of Foothills Finalist: Colton Tellam

Name: Colton A. Tellam



Age: I’m 29.

City you live in: I live in Chandler.

A typical day in my life includes…

a little work, a little leisure, and as much time with my dog Kira as possible!

I was born in…

sunny Arizona! Desert Samaritan in Mesa to be specific. The year was 1990, it was a hot day, the 21st of July. Cancer/Leo cusp.

My favorite thing about Arizona is…

the weather. Duh. Well, 8 months out of the year.

I’m listening to…

EVERYTHING. Classic rock, 90’s country, alternative, surf rock, 70’s, 80’s, 2000’s hip-hop and R&B, oldies and mo-town. Right now I’m on a big Jimmy Buffet kick.

My family is…

amazing and extremely supportive of me and I love them.

If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be…

(this was actually one of the questions asked during our finalist meet and greet. so I’m going to give the same answer I gave then) I’ve never really pondered that question, so I didn’t have anything already in my head to say. I thought of someone whose career I admired and the first person that came to mind was Ashton Kutcher. Model -> Actor -> Entrepreneur -> Philanthropist -> Icon. Not to mention, Demi -> Mila. Then they asked what I’d answer if the person was deceased. Toss up between Petty and Bowie I said. Love their music and I bet they’d have some cool stories.

One thing I cannot live without…

well, oxygen (I wonder if anyone else thought that… lol). I’d hate to say my phone even though that is probably the thing I use most often. I also see the irony in saying I couldn’t live without my dog Kira 🙁 I suppose something I truly could not live without would be hope and love. And pictures and architecture.

When I was younger I wanted to be…

an actor.

I’m inspired by…

my parents. They are the hardest working people I know.

The one person who motivates me…

when I was younger I’d again say my parents because they made me do life. Now, I think I do a decent job of motivating myself. No one can want it for you, you have to want it for yourself. Also, my grandparents motivate me. On both sides. They did such incredible things and were very hard-working people. Maybe one day a son or daughter will motivate me… but that’s not happening anytime soon, lol.

If I could change anything in the world, it would be…

ending cancer, stopping Alzheimer’s and beating world hunger. If we’re talking hypotheticals, I’d want to end all three.

The perfect day would be…

waking up in a coastal villa followed by champagne on a sailboat and a beach bonfire. But waking up in Chandler followed by canned IPA’s on Lake Saguaro has been pretty perfect thus far 😉

My first job was…

In-n-Out Burger! Right on.

My favorite escape is…

a day on the lake. I love to ski!

My life is…

continually evolving and my zest for it is unmatched!


go the extra mile. It’s worth it in the end 10 out of 10 times.

I’m currently working on…

finding the drive to go to the gym!


look for the best in people. Also, sunscreen. Wear it, it’s a good idea.


compare yourself or position in life with someone else and their position in life. “The race is long, and in the end, it’s only with yourself.” -Baz Luhrman

Favorite quote…

isn’t the one above, it’s, “I’m not superstitious, but I am a little sitious.” – Michael Scott/Steve Carell

My biggest dream…

ever? If I could sum it up in one word it would be: A-Lister.

My pet peeves…

include disorganization, driving slow in the fast lane, poor grammar, and warm champagne.

Summarize yourself in one sentence…

a diligent Phoenician filled with love and ambition.

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