This Friday morning, at 8:30 a.m., hundreds of the Valley’s most fashionable and philanthropic will head to Saks Fifth Avenue as it hosts Key to the Cure, a private shopping experience that raise funds and awareness for breast and ovarian cancer research at TGen ( Of course, the event would not be possible without the help of local sponsors. would like to thank the follow food-focused sponsors, some providing a few words about why Key to the Cure and TGen’s mission is important to them:
Black Chile Mexican Grill
Christopher’s Restaurant/Crush Lounge: “We all know that cancer affects a huge number of people, and I think it’s important to make sure people continue to support its research even when the economy is down. The Key to the Cure not only increases awareness, but it provides a fun opportunity for women (and men) to mix a social shopping event with a very good fundraising cause. I’m all for encouraging creative ways to fund raise.” –Christopher Gross
Coffee Lady
El Chorro: “I have been so fortunate to have my health; my mom wasn’t so lucky. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer at the young age of 56 and died a year later. My kids never got to know her. They missed out on having the most wonderful grandmother ever in their lives and my grandkids, all five of them, have no idea who she was. She was gorgeous, a fabulous dancer, the life of the party. I feel cheated and want to do all I can to help research for women’s cancer.” Much love, Jacquie Dorrance
Hensley Beverage Company: “Hensley Beverage Company is proud to be a Local First company and to support TGen Foundation as they search for a cure for ovarian and breast cancer with proceeds from Cycle for the Cure and Key to the Cure events. We have the utmost respect for the work being done by TGen and are pleased to contribute to the research. There is no greater reward than being of service to those in our community.” –Douglas Yonko, Hensley Beverage Company
M Catering by Michael’s
My Fit Foods
Ritzy Cakes by Leiticia Pestora
Seasons 52: “Saks Fifth Avenue and TGen do an amazing job creating awareness in our community and their event is unlike any other, true expertise and the highest quality. All of the incredible woman involved in putting this fashion show together are a true inspiration to our city and Seasons 52 in excited to be a part of the event again this year and for many years to come.”
The Whoopie Shack: “The Whoopie Shack, LLC is so excited to be a culinary partner for the Saks Key to the Cure event this year! TGen has made amazing discoveries in researching cures for cancers and other diseases, and to take part in helping to raise awareness for TGEN’s research is rewarding. At TGen, investigators are pushing the limits of cutting-edge research and technology to discover the genetic cause of disease. Experiments that were impossible and impractical only a few years ago are now conducted every day. The Whoopie Shack looks forward to being a partner in the fight for many years to come!”
True Food Kitchen
Vincent’s on Camelback
Zinburger Wine and Burger Bar
Thank You Key to the Cure Sponsors!