Think Helmut Newton, classy, vintage, with a story of passion, desire, and love between two women brought to life with the LGBTQ Songwriter Piera Van de Wiel and her new music video for her electro swing pop single “Dear Mrs.”
A divorced woman falls for a young woman in her 20s. “Dear Mrs” is the escalation of their relationship when they can no longer contain their desire and love for each other at lunch, and the older woman is hosting. It pulls the listeners in with the uptempo swing dance beat, and then the video matches your longingness for magnetic chemistry between the two women.
Artist Piera Van de Wiel wanted to match the heightened glamor, love, and passion to this gay romance, “it’s fun, cheeky, and makes you want to dance! These characters are not afraid to show who they are. Both women stand within their power and desire to explore, adventure, and to love.”
We decided to incorporate elements of fabulously strong, sumptuous, and sexually liberated female imagery within the video, along with plenty of cheeky metaphors. It remains classy and beautiful, with a focus on the power of age and sexuality.
– Elle Halley, music video director
Unfortunately, the fight for equality to love is still going on, but it can and must change for all. First, we are all human, and how we want to live our lives in how we look, see ourselves, and who we love is a beautiful gift that should be explored for all and not defined by just a few.
This LGBTQ Electro swing pop music video is dangerous, exciting, and crosses boundaries into your ultimate fantasy. “Dear Mrs” showcases the passion and power inside every woman, no matter her age.
This vital aspect of giving voice and space for these women to feel the power within their sexuality and relationships shows that age doesn’t matter when it comes to love. We’ve learned that from our favorite couple Sarah Pawlson and Holland Taylor!
I do believe that as a species some of us are so behind on how we see others, especially in sexuality.
Love is love, and it has power and passion. This concept frightens some people’s ideas, especially how they see gender, sexuality, expression, and who you love.
– Actress, Natalia Campbell
For Artist Piera, for her lead actress Natalia, Director Elle, and the team behind the video, “we believe that the love and passion are in all of us no matter what your age, gender, sexuality, heritage, background or faith.”
This music video is a reminder to celebrate new times ahead. Let us celebrate new love, unique desires, new relationships, and let’s dance and feel good! The only way to wrap up in 2020!
To find out more on artist Piera Van de Wiel, go to her website: www.pieravandewiel.com or follow her Instagram @pieravandewielofficial
Special shoutout to all those involved in this beautiful music video:
Director @ellehalley
DP @samuelperryfalvey
Actress @tally_campbell
Makeup @margheritafabbro_mua
Hair @danwchapman