5 Personal Items You Should Never Share

Think twice next time you consider using or sharing makeup or a bar of soap with someone else. Even though it may be tempting to share personal items from time to time with close friends or family, different types of bacteria and germs play host on everyone’s personal items, where the transference of these germs and bacteria can sometimes develop into more serious medical issues.

1. Bar Soap
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Photo: Flickr user chr1sp

Bar soap may look like it cleans itself, but Outside magazine reported on a 2006 study that said germy bar soap is likely to transfer bacteria to the next user and is a source of continuous reinfection in dental clinics. If you think about it, the bottom of bar soap never totally dries between uses, where an accumulation of bacteria, fungi and yeast arise. The Center for Disease Control recommends the use of liquid soap instead of bar soap to reduce the chance of sharing and transference of germs and bacteria.

2. Hats, Hairbrushes and Combs
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Photo: Flickr user wjlonien

Most of us can remember the mortal fear of contracting lice in grade school. Even as an adult, make sure that all kinds of headwear, hair tools, and even sheets and pillows are your own and shared with no one else.

3. Antiperspirant
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You run the chance of transferring germs, bacteria, fungi and yeast if you share a roll-on antiperspirant. Even by sharing a deodorant stick, you can still transfer skin cells and hair, without risk of infection.

4. Nail Stuff
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Photo: Flickr user dullhunk

If you expect new and clean nail tools at a salon, you should treat personal nail tools at home the same way. Tools that haven’t been properly sanitized between users can transfer bacteria, fungus, yeast and viruses, and potentially lead to Hepatitis C, staph infections and warts.

5. Makeup

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Photo: Flickr user trostle

We know that it’s sometimes tempting just to take a swipe of a friend’s lipstick or mascara if you don’t happen to have your own on hand. But think of the potential larger consequences: pinkeye or a cold sore. Even though most cosmetics nowadays are made with preservatives to kill bacteria and reduce the chance of infection, it’s still a better bet to keep to your own cosmetics.

Check out more personal items that you don’t want to be sharing over at Shape.com

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