The United States celebrated its 239th birthday this weekend. In honor of our country’s birthday, the Valley’s clubs threw some of the hottest Independence Day parties the nation would see this weekend.
If you weren’t lucky enough to attend one of the Valley’s epic Fourth of July bashes, you can still see how various Valley venues celebrated in style.
Check out some of the hottest Fourth of July party pics in metro Phoenix below.
Whiskey Row
It’s no secret country music lovers love our country. Whiskey Row gave all country fans the perfect place to celebrate their patriotism this holiday.
Maya Day and Nightclub
Borgeous headlined the #IndependDANCE day at Maya Dayclub.
Brass Knuckles then took the stage for #MayaNightswim.
Attendees also had the chance to watch the fireworks light up the sky poolside.
The Mint AZ
From sparklers to costumes, attendees at the Mint AZ knew how to have a good time this Independence Day Weekend.
El Hefe Scottsdale
El Hefe certainly celebrated American patriotism this Fourth of July weekend.
Salt River Fields
Salt River Fields Independence Day Music Festival featured WILCO performing with Dr. Dog and Banana Gun.