Dr. Robert Cohen: Plastic Surgeon


Meet Dr. Cohen, a transplant from Canada who is happy to be practicing in the 21st century, no pager for him. Read how Dr. Cohen finished these 20 sentences we started.

Name: Robert Cohen
Age: 39
Title: M.D., F.A.C.S.
Married: Yes
Kids: Yes (1)
Live: Scottsdale

Learn more here.

I was born…

in Montreal, Canada, but I moved to Arizona in 1978 and became an American citizen soon after that

My favorite thing about Arizona…

are the desert thunderstorms, weekend trips to Sedona, and world-class mountain biking minutes from my home

I’m listening to…

Radiohead and Muse stations on Pandora in the OR, children’s songs and reggae when I’m driving with my 4 year old daughter, and Daft Punk and Skrillex stations on Pandora when I’m riding my mountain bike

My family…

what gives my life joy and meaning.  My wife and daughter are the best things in my life!

If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be…

with my grandfather, who was my best friend growing up and who passed away when I was 10.  I would love for him to meet my wife and daughter, and to see what I have accomplished in life

One thing I cannot live without…

is my iphone.  As a surgeon, I’m on call for my patients 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  I’m grateful that I’m not practicing in the days of beepers and payphones

When I was younger, I wanted to be…

a plastic surgeon.  Surprisingly, I had decided this in mid-high school, and despite a lot of work getting from point A to point B, I stuck with the plan!

I’m inspired by…

my father.  He worked hard to create a successful business from scratch, and I have tried to incorporate his work ethic and drive for excellence in my medical practice

The one person who motivates me is…

my wife and daughter.  They keep me grounded and inspire me to work hard and provide the best future for them that I can.

If I could change anything in the world, it would be…

be to create a better balance between humans and nature.  I’m hoping my great-grandchildren will still be able to enjoy the beauty of the oceans and mountains like I do

The perfect day would be…

waking up with my wife at Stein Eriksen lodge in Deer Valley, having a gourmet buffet breakfast, heading out by helicopter for some untouched backcountry powder skiing, and meeting up with friends and family for a relaxing dinner near a big fireplace.  The day would end with a big, fluffy bed and a full night’s sleep.  Ahhh…

My first job was…

driving a forklift in my father’s ceramic tile warehouse.  It was actually pretty fun if you ignored the butane fumes and 110+ degree heat in the summer.

My favorite escape…

is a tropical island with great scuba diving, fruity drinks, and no cell reception

My life…

a work in progress.  I am always trying to improve and learn new things each day.

I’m currently working on…

on a revision breast surgery course I will be teaching at the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery meeting in New York next April


treat people the way you would want them to treat you


go to sleep angry

Favorite Quote…

“Do or do not.  There is no Try…” -Yoda

Biggest Dream…

to live a productive, happy and meaningful life

My Pet Peeve(s)…

is hypocrisy.  I think I have been following politics too much lately…

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