Hot off the runways of New York Fashion Week and Miami Swim Week, we caught up with up-and-coming supermodel Genevieve Madison, who will be traveling to Arizona to grace the catwalk this weekend for designer Christine Adar at Tempe Fashion Week.

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Please tell us a little bit about you
It’s so funny because this should be the easiest question but it is somehow always the hardest to answer. I guess the basics are that I am a Christian who was born and raised in Kentucky (I love my horses and southern charm). I love traveling and new adventures. I am very outgoing and look forward to meeting new people wherever I go. Family is very important to me, especially my little brother. I am the most content at my grandparents’ farm, which leads me to my next point….I love animals! I have been blessed with family and friends that I can count on and that support me always.
A typical day in your life includes…
A typical day in my life…. to me this question is funny because I don’t really have a typical day. My schedule is so unpredictable and changes all the time! If I had to have a typical day, it would consist of waking up at a decent time (I am not a morning person), working out, and spending time with my friends and family or binge watching Netflix.
Tell us about your participation in Tempe Fashion Week and what you’re excited about?
I am very excited to be walking in Tempe Fashion Week! I will be traveling to Arizona with an amazing designer, Christine Adar. I have previously worked with her on a brand shoot and her designs are stunning to say the least. She is definitely one to watch! I am excited for this opportunity to meet new models, hair and makeup artists and just all the behind the scenes people as well that it requires to put on a show like this!
What has been your favorite modeling job so far in your career?
So far, my favorite modeling job hasn’t even been a modeling job but it was a job I got because of my modeling platform. I was invited to talk to a group of preteen girls about body positivity and inner beauty. There is so much self-doubt and so many girls nowadays more than ever that don’t feel like they are enough. It was heartbreaking to see some of the girls cry when talking about how they see themselves in the mirror. It was really nice to share with them that there are days when i feel the same way and that they are not alone but rather should lean on each other for support. These are things girls need to be able to talk about with each other without the fear of someone using their own insecurities against them.

Who is your favorite designer?
My favorite designer? That’s an easy one…my grandmother. When I was young, I used to sew with my grandma…I even made my own Easter dress when I was in middle school. Yes, I still have a sewing machine but I am a little rusty haha. Seriously tho, I feel like getting to pick out fabrics, design templates and seeing it all come together was when I first started to fall in love with fashion.
What are your dream goals with modeling?
My dream goals in modeling… obviously a lot of little girls grow up wanting to be on the cover of a magazine. This was also true for me but at the same time I want to be true to myself and be my own person while creating that image. I am not your typical size 0 model and I never will be. I own that and I look for designers and brands that also accept that versus trying to change who I am. I want to be a world famous model someday but I want to get there by being myself and set that example for other aspiring models.
One thing you can’t live without?
One thing I cant live without….hmmm probably O’Charley’s potato soup (please sponsor me lol)! If anyone out there knows the secret recipe please hit me up!!
What inspires you?
Honestly, I am inspired by all the current and former models that came before me. I realize that modeling is hard, it is so much more than just being pretty, and each one of them worked to pave their own way.
When you’re not modeling, what do you enjoy doing off the clock?
When I am not modeling, for fun I like to spend time with family, friends and just relax. It is rare to have a day all to myself but I try to use that time to catch up with those that I am closest with and to just chill and basically reset my mind. I love the lake so lake days are for sure some of my favorites!