Having gone through high school, college and then out on my own in the 80’s at the very dawn of MTV’s formative years, I must tell you what a glorious time my friends and I had with every new and fresh “do” that burst onto the scene via the magic of music video’s.
There was of course the Madonna bleached and ratted era of which I partook, there was the Cindy Lauper shave one side of your head, the bleached and colored bangs of Duran Duran, Flock of Seagulls etc. The spiky Olivia Newton John “Let’s get physical” haircut that turned out to look more like Pat Benatar just days before prom…. The entire school murmured that I had gone punk…. I am sure the leather jackets had something to do with that.

This of course was followed by every color of the rainbow back when only blonde, brunette and redhead were the acceptable shades a girl could sport without families covering their young ones eyes at the grocery store or local pizza joint. In any case I am so glad that I never had to walk a red carpet in one of my experimental phases. Heck with all the media scrutiny, I am glad I don’t have to walk the red carpet now! The wrath of bloggers heard round the world with every dress or tendril misstep…shesh! Having said that… of course as a makeup artist and stylist my eyes are always peeled for the latest and what turns out often to be the not so greatest celebrity looks.
Somehow with the advent of so many awards shows and red carpet events the one upping level of personal appearance has gone beyond the beyond. Here are some of the looks that didn’t quite deserve a thumbs up.

Kate Goselins spiky mullet got her a ton of notoriety so much so that costume shops sold “Kate” wigs this year. Though all of her freshening up created quite the transformation from her old actual mom self, I am not sure this look will land her in the “best cuts’ list…ever!

Laday Gaga Yes I know everyone is drooling over this performance artist/songstress but take away the black lipstick and the geometric bleached haircuts and what do you have? If you have ever seen old clips back in her bar days…you have Alanis Morisette… so yes she is riding the wave but the black lipstick trend just isn’t a do in my book on anyone.
Ginormus hair bows like the one Madonna sported for the Costume Gala might be okay if you are one of the richest women on the planet and trying to stay relevant, but on the street this looks more like you are channeling your pre-school age daughter.

Singer Cassie and Christina Milian went back in time with these ripped from 80’s looks as mentioned, I’ve been there so I get it, but somehow the half bleached hair just looks like a bad case of indecision, and the shaved side a la Bow Wow Wow looks more like Cassie got inspired by Dem’s G.I. Jane performance only to have her razor die midway. Could Cassie be any more gorgeous? I think not, but somehow this hair just went wrong on her.

And lastly Shana Moaklers electric eye shadow colors look great in the MAC palette, but not on for an evening out love… Note to Shanna you are a pretty girl…next time stick to the smokey eye look!