From models, celebs, fashion editors and more, we’ve rounded up some of the best fashion Instagrams of the week to catch you up on the latest moments in fashion.
1. Stone Fox Bride
2. Whitney Port
Gettin’ my work out in! #nyc 👡: @alexandrebirman 👝: @elenaghisellini 👚: @mademe_nyc
A photo posted by Whitney Port (@whitneyeveport) on
3. Gigi Hadid
4. Stone Cold Fox
The beautiful @toripraver at her baby shower today in the #stonecoldfox Pisces Dress.
A photo posted by Cydney Morris & Dallas Wand (@stone_cold_fox) on
5. Kendall Jenner
6. Jeremy Scott
7. Alexa Chung
8. Ashley Graham
A photo posted by A S H L E Y G R A H A M (@theashleygraham) on
9. Gwyneth Paltrow
10. N. Amy Sall
Fez, Morocco, 1984. ©Dennis Stock 💫
A photo posted by N. Amy Sall (@amy_sall) on