Lindsay Lohan in Muse Magazine

Yes LiLo strikes again.. she is of course the girl that everyone likes to dig on (and I don’t mean dig as in groovy). I must admit her rather diva like antics do deserve a bit of girls night out gossip at times, like the latest I saved children from slavery press releases, but let’s face it…we can’t get enough of her. And though I am drearily behind I must comment.


Gone is the darling child of Disney fame or a plethora of Wendy’s, Jello and Pizza Hut commercials. Though I actually do believe the girl can act… a novelty among other “it” girls her age it’s her extra curricular that keeps her in star form these days. Aside from her notorious antics, car crashes, stints in rehab, ankle bracelets, headline grabbing relationships and parental baggage she must be quite the charmer as everyone from Chanel to Jill Stuart to Proactiv and gobs of others often choose her to represent their brand. And even more fun, the revolving image incarnations just keep on coming from sweet, to sexy to intolerable starlet and now it’s on to naughty-girl siren. If you caught a glimpse of her latest fifteen- page pictorial in Muse magazine you will probably agree… Meow! Kitten claws and all are on the prowl! Perhaps Ms Lohan needs a little distraction from her otherwise tumultuous days… I mean let’s be honest… if I was young and rich and asked to live out in a fashion spread (make that lifestyle spread) a vignette inspired by the former rompings of Kate Moss and Johnny Depp’s love affair… wouldn’t I? Yes… but only for money darling not for notoriety.

In any case the scantily clad LL looks drop dead beyond tantilizing page after page thanks in part to Photographer Yu Tsai gritty documentary style, makeup artist Fiona Stiles smouldery I am too worn out to fix my face smokey eyes, hair stylist Jen Atkin devil may care locks and wardrobe stylist Alex Rain urban chic – I stayed up all weekend at the Waldorf ensembles. The shoot reminded me of the always envelope pushing steamy Madonna video for Justify My Love in the 90’s and perhaps even a more raw twenty-something version of her Blame It on Rio photo shoot for W Magazine with her current squeeze Jesus. I hear that Lindsay was totally comfortable in her skin so to speak as long as the pics had some artist integrity. Her goal was to create “Iconic” images. Well, darling… despite the utterly obvious pushing the boundaries tone… I say you scored!


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