Met Costume Gala – Worst Dressed

So I realize that some of you may be getting a tad bored talking about the Met Costume Ball, but really dear, don’t we need to touch on a few don’t? Just yesterday I was asked what I thought about soe of those questionable outfits. As noted prior, the Met Gala is the equivalent of the East Coast Oscars so I ask you would a one- piece jumper (designer or not) be appropo for the Oscars? Probably not, so why would it be just peachy for this?

If you have skimmed the pics from the event you might know that the fabulously smart and funny Tina Fey wore a jumpsuit to the event, and though it was somewhat fashion forward for her, I think she missed the mark in so much that it was just not dressy enough. Let me just say, I adore Tina, I think she is the cats meow when it comes to brilliant chicks and she is the every man’s “it” girl but I feel that there has been somewhat of a forced fashion evolution thrust upon her. Every time any women in the arts gets pushed front and center we suddenly want her to be this fashion queen…. Hello cover of Vogue! We demand you put away your old ways Tina and dazzle…kind of selfish of us don’t you think? Ms Fey has had her share of fashionable don’t over the last year or so, but how can we blame her? Even SJP had her bad days back in the late 80’s and look how she turned out! In any case I dug the jumper, just not for this night.

There were a few others that raised eyebrows for the night, Chloe Sevingy one of my favorite fashion risk takers may have taken just a step too far in her Proenza Schouler dress, loved the color and fabric but the belli-sh backside was just a tad too much.

Then there was beautiful January Jones, aka Betty Draper, I am endlessly trying to figure out why Ms Jones feels the need to dragon it up when she attend events. My suspicion is that she is a frankophile…always trying to look French.. Always with the hair up, always the extreme smokey eye, always the YSL. Relax January…we like you clean and simple too!

How about Kristen Stewart.. does she or does she not always look like she really wished she were wearing her jeans and a thermal top? My dear you are wearing Chanel…albeit a vampire-esque Chanel that rivals Dakota Fannings Twilight character Jane.

And of course how could I leave off Katy Perry. What is there to say, but little bow peep wants to be Lady Gaga. News flash…that spot is already taken. I understand that Ms Perry wanted to look “fun” but a light- up day- glo dress? Yes we are all blogging about it, but, let’s face it, it’s not exactly the Liz Hurley or Jlo Versace dresses… those dresses that put them on the proverbial A-List map.

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