More Grammy Fashion Moments

After twenty four more hours to ponder over the glamorous women and men of the Grammy Awards, I simply must mention a few more of drop dead fabulous performers of the evening. Let’s talk about Pink shall we?

Though I have always been a fan, it is hard to deny how much more evolved her voice and her performances have become. Gone are the days of needing to prove that she is a super tough and sexy chic…finally she has arrived! If one wasn’t already convinced of her feminine charms before her slinky Cirque du Soliel inspired performance, how much more evidence is required than shedding her white jersey dress down to a nude colored body suit with strategically placed bling proving that sexy can be sultry and provocative without being stripper slutty and laced with aggression. For me Pink was one of the highlights of the evening and as mentioned prior even though everyone on the planet knows Beyonce is a star with talent beyond mega-ness her performance just seemed laced with a tad bit of desperation..And with no good reason.

Other notables for the night were the ensemble performance by Jennifer Hudson who looked a-ma-zing in her floor length gown, Celine Dion no matter if you love her or hate the girl knows how to put on a show…and that silver dress was appropriately sexy. And let’s mention the Usher and Smokey Robinson… always classic and always smooth.

Unfortunately not everyone embraced the elements of good taste. For instance pop princess Britney Spears wore what looked like a bad version of vintage lingerie and a sheer overlay of a dress. Overall not flattering and even less tasteful.

Katy Perry wore a Zac Posen which may have looked good on the runway but not so great on the red carpet.

Singer Nadeea left little to the imagination in her…what shall we call it, booty shakin garb. Though musicians are nothing if they are not rule breakers this may have been a bit too much or too scant as the case may be. Perhaps it’s time to get yourself a stylist my love.

I also have to mention no matter how talented I think he is Adam Lambert may have needed a wing man to tell him that his jacket and tie just weren’t cutting it, and they may have been a tad too small, no doubt he of all people will bounce right back in the debonair department.

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