NYFW Reviews: Richard Chai, Costello Tagliapeitra, Tadashi Shoji

We continue our New York Fashion Week, but with a little less timeliness today (as in “not live”) as NYC is facing what it means to potentially get 38 inches of snow within the next few days. Thus far, the fashion industry is not letting the snow stop them, well, except Marc Jacobs whose shows will be postponed until Feb. 11th and 14th.

Also before I start with reviewing more collections, I wanted to share some of the hilarious Fashion Week “memes” circulating the web right now.

The Cut Blog asked illustrator Peter Arkle to sketch ten of the likeliest people you will find at Fashion Week and here is what he came up with.


1. The Nightlife Heiress/D.J./Cokehead/Shoe Designer/Instagram Star
2. The Menswear Pre-1976 Heritage Tumblr-Blogger/Model
3. The Veteran Editor With Children-As-Accessories (Saturdays Only)
4. The Seat-Stealing Junior Buyer in a Fascinator
5. The Totally Black-Clad Power-Tripping PR Intern
6. The Shivering Model With Her Leather Jacket and Chanel 2.55
7. The Street-Style Photographer Who Stands Posing, Not Shooting
8. The Dandy Freelance Journalist Whose Byline You’ve Never Seen *my favorite*
9. The Twenstysomething Fashion Blogger Who Only Changes in Front of Her Driver
10. The Rich Russian in Fur

Check out the rest of Arkle’s illustrations here.


photos: style.com

Yesterday’s Richard Chai Love show had me as giddy as a little girl with her new baby doll. His opening look had me at army green jacket, and though military was undoubtedly the vibe Chai was reaching for the collection eased into a bevvy of lavender jacquard. Tailoring was key to this collection and there was no jacket or skirt left untouched… except the super flowy nightgown under the oversized menswear jacket, which I adore.



photos: style.com

Some reviewers were a bit disappointed to find more of the same from Costello Tagliapeitra, but this girl looked right past that and saw nothing but amazing color! There is nothing more appropriate for fall than brown, orange, grey, berry etc. And really, can you blame someone for being continually competent at excellent draping? I think not. The knitted infinite shawls a la Marc Jacobs last year (I’m pretty sure I just made that name up) added a nice contrast to the high-class chicness (admittedly these are dresses you would likely find in the office). I hope that the trend will catch on this year… Maybe I’ll start it. Anyone know where I can get an “infinity shawl?” Oh yeah and those bright lips are amazing!

photo: style.com

Okay I know that I have been rambling for quite a bit now, but one last look we must all drool over. Tadashi Shoji’s electric, vibrant, almost metallic, I’m not sure what adjective truly justifies this color—red and black lace gown. I told an editor friend of mine that I actually had to keep from praising this dress out loud during class.

By Kristianne Young

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