Worst Oscar dresses and other offenses!

So by now everyone knows that there were more than just a few fashion faux pas at the Academy Awards on Sunday. While James Taylor sang a tribute song and images of stars past but not forgotten played in a video pictorial on the screen the hubby and I wondered where’s Farrah? And what about Maude? Both Farrah and Bea Arthur seemed to be omitted from the video montage. Interesting and outrageous…. The Academy chose to feature sounds guys, writers and sorry to say…Brittney Murphy but not Farrah who was not just an Icon but “the” Icon of the late 70’s and member of the academy for 40 years…

Along with Arthur who starred in a slew of Academy nominated films that spanned several decades before becoming a groundbreaking figure on the show Norman Lear show Maude and later Golden Girls.

Well Academy, that was a decision that wreaked of bad taste! And speaking of bad taste, this year there were far less fashion don’t than years past but of course there were those select few that we just have to mention.

First off, Charlize…what on earth? I mean is this not the woman that wore the previously mentioned orange Vera Wang in 2000 or the pale blue Christian Dior in 2005?

So please darling help me understand…why the cinnabuns? Okay so the color and the fit were gorgeous but the two cinnamon buns in the front were a bit filling shall we say…
The dress was custom made for her by John Galliano for Dior. On the one hand I get it, it’s beautiful and I must say very French, very Haute’ Couture but, but I am at a loss.

Then of course there is always Mariah, at times I look at her and I just see Jersey girl written all over her, I mean every time this woman steps on a red carpet I think to myself you can take the girl outta the block but you can’t take the block outta the girl. Really she has all the money in the world yet all she ever does is wear expensive dresses that look cheap. I am constantly amazed…

And this year I could not get a handle on Faith Hill. Not that Faith didn’t look gorgeous as usual but there was something going on with that extra lacy thigh high slit that wreaked of saloon girl and it just threw me into a deep state of disappointment. I adore Ms Hill but maybe next year love.

And lastly, there was nothing wrong with the dress that Miley Cyrus wore, in fact I thought it was quite beautiful but I could not get past the shoulders… her shoulders were hunched forward the entire evening telling us all that she could not have been more uncomfortable in her own ensemble. The constant pitch forward only said one thing…I am so afraid that one of my girls will come tumbling out if I stand straight…next time dear wear something that you can relax in…you made me nervous!

  1. Diane, I agree with everything. Poor Miley, I also noted her posture and thought she looked uncomfortable. I also thought Meryl Streep looked a little dowdy…

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