Shop till you drop! Whether you are looking for the perfect hang bag, an antique dresser or your summer swimsuit, the Valley of the Sun has any treasure you could possibly seek.
With some of the best departments, shopping centers and boutiques you can find, Arizona is a shopping lover’s dream. There are endless options to choose from. Don’t worry, Arizona Foothills has you covered.
Last year, we gave you our picks for the best shopping in the Valley. Our list included everything from Best Technology and Gadgets to Best Cosmetics and Skincare. In addition to our previous categories, we are excited to bring even more fun categories to this year’s Best of Our Valley competition.
From Best Perfume Parlor to Best Sunglass Store, we will dive deeper than ever before. With our newest selections you will never again have to settle for anything less than the best!
We aren’t revealing all our new categories just yet! You’ll have to wait until voting begins on October 1. In the mean time, continue to send in nominations to by September 1, 2013.
For more information, like us on AZ Foothills Facebook and follow us on Best of Our Valley Twitter!
The Best of Our Valley 2014 will start before you know it!