Best of Our Valley Spotlight: Write on Rubee, ‘Favorite Local Food Blog/Website’

Christina Barrueta

For over the past 20 years, we’ve celebrated the Valley’s best. From the top businesses and professionals to the people who make it all happen, Arizona Foothills Magazine’s annual Best of Our Valley contest recognizes Arizona’s crème de la crème across more than 400 categories. From the best doctors and best resort down to the best cup of coffee you can find around town, each Best of titleholder is chosen by those who know the city best – our readers.

Each week, we’ll be highlighting individual winners from Best of Our Valley 2018, who share their advice, insights and thoughts on what it means to be a part of this exclusive list.

The Best of spotlight is on Christina Barrueta of Write on Rubee, who claimed the Valley’s Best Favorite Local Food Blog/Website. Congrats, Christina!

Christina Barrueta

AFM: In brief 2-3 sentences, please tell us a little bit about you and Write on Rubee —
Christina Barrueta (CB):
A Boston transplant, I’m a freelance journalist who fell in love with the passionate chefs and artisans shaping our culinary and beverage scene, and it’s been so exciting to see how the Valley has continued to chart an upward trajectory over the last ten years. My main goal in launching the website was to support all these hard-working talents by getting the word out, and it’s something that is still very important to me.

AFM: What does it mean to you to be a Best of Our Valley winner?
Although I love what I do, it’s a lot of work, so this really affirms that readers are interested in the topics I cover – chefs, restaurants, cocktails, beer, wine, travel, events and more.  I’m so appreciative!

AFM: What’s your favorite part about being the Best of Our Valley’s Best Local Food Blog?
CB: I’m very grateful for the positive feedback.  It brings me much joy to have chefs thank me for supporting them, so to have the website recognized shows that people are reading along, joining in the fun, and likewise supporting our scene.

Have you seen any benefits as a result of being a BOOV winner?
It’s always nice to have people approach you to introduce themselves, or send me a snapshot of the page with a “congratulations!”.  I’ve noticed that writing assignments and collaboration requests via the website increase every month, so I’m grateful for all the exposure.

AFM: How do you put your “best” foot forward every day?
I strive to follow the principle of treating everybody the way you want to be treated.  It’s important to be kind, and I try to be helpful and supportive to all, as others have been to me.

Interested in participating or want to recommend a business, professional or individual for Best of Our Valley? Best of Our Valley 2019 is now accepting nominations. Click here to find out more!

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