When it comes to social media, AZFoothills.com readers know the who’s who and what’s what on the web. Here’s readers picks for the Valley’s social media favorites.
These are AZ Foothills Best of Our Valley 2018 contest winners. Winners will be featured in the April 2018 issue of AZ Foothills Magazine, a tell-all guide to the best people and places in the Valley of the Sun, as chosen by its residents.
As a special thanks to the winners and those who helped them attain their Best Of status, a celebratory bash will be held in May 2018. Stay tuned for details on the fabulous fete!
Winners, download your 2018 Winners logo here and reserve space in the annual Collectors Edition here.
Best Arizona Sorority Instagram: ASU Pi Beta Phi, @asupibetaphi
Best Branded Instagram: The James Agency, @thejamesagency
Best Celeb Twitter: Nikki & Brie Bella, @BellaTwins
Best Fashion Feed on Instagram: Samuel Anthony, @samuelanthony
Best Fitness Instagram: Michael Gagnon, @michaelgagnon_
Best Food Feed on Instagram: Erik Velasquez, @CasualFridaze51
Best Hair Feed on Instagram: Veronika Berg, @veronikaberg_
Best Local Celeb Instagram: Nikki Bella, @thenikkibella
Best Makeup Feed on Instagram: Erica Mendoza, @junepearlbeauty
Best News Twitter: TIE between AZ Family, @azfamily and Brandon Lee, @BrandonLeeTV
Best Pet Instagram: Chloe & Chipie, @chloeandchipie
Best Travel/Adventure Instagram: Erik Velasquez, @CasualFridaze51
Best YouTube Channel: Keaton Milburn
Cutest Kids Instagram: Cheeky Chic Baby Boutique, @cheekychicbb
Favorite Sports Team Instagram: Arizona Coyotes, @arizonacoyotes
Most #MCM Worthy Instagram: Samuel Anthony, @samuelanthony
Most #WCW Worthy Instagram: Nicole Tanneberg, @nicoletanneberg
Most Motivational Instagram: AZ on the Rocks, @azontherocks
AFM Faves
Best Fashion Feed on Instagram: Vanessa Kaufman, @wetheclassy
Best Food Feed on Instagram: Diana Brandt, @azfoodie
Best Fitness Instagram: Alexia Clark, @alexiaclark
Most Motivational Instagram: Ruben Chavez, @thinkgrowprosper