Trendsetter to Know: Jill Roig

Name: Jill Roig 



Age: 41 

Title: Artist and Founder of Eco-Pottery Studios 

Married/Single: Married 

Kids: Asher, a cute and adventurous 3-year-old who keeps me on my toes!

City you live in: Scottsdale, Arizona.  

A typical day in my life includes…

a morning yoga practice is something I’ve recently adopted, then I dive into the art studio to create handmade eco-pottery with clay, glass and crystals. Next up, I visit Shaneland Arts (near Camelback and Central Ave in Phoenix), which is a wonderfully eclectic new art gallery that carries my work.

I was born…

in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 

My favorite thing about Arizona…

I love how you can be free and open here. The desert is a place to burn off the old and create the new. Plus, the sunsets with their brilliant colors, are amazing!  

I’m listening to…

lots of audiobooks and podcasts these days! My favorite book on creativity is Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert.  And I love the stories of innovation and entrepreneurship as told by Guy Raz on How I Built This on NPR. To relax, I gravitate to chill and mantra music with some epic playlists on Spotify. 

My family…

is everything in the world to me. 

If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be…

Gabby Bernstein. I’m currently reading Super Attractor by Bernstein and I’d love to chat with her about these universal concepts.

One thing I cannot live without…

my morning coffee.

When I was younger, I wanted to be…

a high-power business executive. 

I’m inspired by… 

art, spirituality and passion. People who live their truth and show up every day authentically. I am motivated by human connection and those creating for the greater good. 

The one person who motivates me is…

I listen to the meditations of Davidji. His words and teachings are able to cut through the noise of daily living. 

If I could change anything in the world, it would be…

we’d realize that we are more similar than we are different, and would live from a greater place of love, peace and harmony.

The perfect day would be… 

leading eco-pottery spiritual retreats in Hawaii. Plus lots of time to play and frolic on the beach, paired with yummy food, a glass of vino and some good laughs with my favorite people. 

My first job was…

selling cupcakes at the mall bakery! 

My favorite escape…

 Sedona… it’s filled with so much magic! My work draws much inspiration from the energy of Sedona. 

My life…

sometimes gets a little crazy balancing everything, but I’m super grateful to be able to create eco-pottery and share this meaningful work. I hope this connection shines through. 

I’m currently working on…

our homes should have art in them that makes daily life joyful. I’m working to make local art that is sustainable, accessible and full of wonder.  I’m thrilled to be part of a  fabulous art gallery in mid-town Phoenix. Shaneland Arts features a large collection of eco-pottery. There are wonderful gifts and delights for the home. Check out my jewelry bowls, chakra bowls, candle holders, table art and intention bowls.  


stay true to your self. It’s all you have. Find the light within and follow that path. 


stop growing, changing and transforming. We are not set in stone. Accumulate wisdom and share that teaching. 

Favorite Quote…

“I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.” – Michelangelo

Biggest Dream…

travel the world, connect with people, share my art on a deep level, offer eco-pottery retreats, while having my family by my side, and live from a place of creativity, in flow with the universe.

My Pet Peeve(s)…

people who are rude. 

More about Jill…

Jill Roig, the founder of Eco-Pottery Studios, is a modern ceramic artist specializing in glass-infused pottery in Scottsdale, Arizona.  Eco-Pottery Studios creates eco-friendly art for the home.

Through Jill’s Eco-Pottery, we reflect upon what happens when natural materials are transformed by intention and creative innovation. Bringing this art into your home adds harmony, meaning and joy. 

Eco-Pottery was born from the belief that art and beauty are essential ingredients in the ritual of daily living. Let’s allow for the possibility of art creating small moments of beauty and transcendence.  Eco-Pottery is meant to inspire the dreamer within us. 

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