Brian Snyder

Brian Snyder

Name: Brian Snyder



Age: 33

Title: Attorney at Snyder & Wenner, P.C.

Married/Single: Married to my beautiful wife, Amy

Kids: We have one daughter, Mia, who is 1 year old, going on 15

Live: Scottsdale, Arizona

Ever since I was a young boy, I wanted to be a professional basketball player. Once I realized that being 5’8” tall wasn’t quite going to cut it in the NBA, I decided I wanted to do something that could help make an impact in peoples’ lives. I made a list of the things I potentially wanted to be: President, neurosurgeon, best-selling author, male model, and lawyer. The only one that stood out as a real challenge was becoming an attorney that could help make a difference for families who were victimized unnecessarily by medical malpractice. For the last eight years at Snyder & Wenner, I have been able to do just that, and I could not be happier. I also volunteer my time as the Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Arizona chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

I was born…

in the USA. To be more specific than Bruce, I was born in Phoenix.

My favorite things about Arizona are…

the warm weather, the mountain views, Spring Training, and that it is very far away from my college, Brandeis University.

I’m listening to…

Andrew McMahon “ In The Wilderness,” but I would be dishonest if I ignored the fact that Taylor Swift is constantly playing on loop in my head.

My family is…

more impressive than I will ever be. My wife is a teacher (currently a stay-at-home mom) who is the most loving and compassionate person I know; my daughter makes me laugh at all time, even when she’s screaming at me; my brother is a big shot lawyer in Washington, D.C.; my dad has been an attorney in Phoenix since 1979 (some people call him The Godfather); and my mom is a former speech pathologist turned non-profit fundraiser.

If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be…

Option 1: Malcolm Gladwell, the amazing, insightful author of Blink, The Tipping Point, and others . Option 2: Andrew McMahon (he is an amazing singer-songwriter who has written the love songs that comprise the mix tape of my life).

One thing I cannot live without is…

my daughter’s giggle.

When I was younger…

I wanted to be a professional athlete who was married to Winnie Cooper or Kelly Kapowski.

I’m inspired by…

people who strive for excellence in everything they do while not compromising their integrity.

The one person who motivates me is…

my daughter. I want her to grow up to be a respectful, successful, confident woman, and doing so means that I have to work as hard as I can to be the best possible role model, father, and friend that I can be.

If I could change anything in the world, it would be…

the political vitriol and hate derived therefrom. Also, seedless fruit that is not, in fact, seedless.

The perfect day would be…

watching football with my family, and spending halftime having a dance party to Taylor Swift songs with my daughter.

My first job was…

as a summer camp counselor at Phoenix Country Day School and as a Yogurt Dispensing Specialist at TCBY.

My favorite escape is…

teaching my daughter new tricks like throwing a ball, high-fiving, and sticking her tongue out at mommy.

My life is…

hectic, full, and beautiful.

I’m currently working on…

my caseload that will help families hold hospitals and doctors accountable for their negligence. I am also tirelessly working on raising money to help remove the stigma of suicide in order to get people the help they need and to reduce the number of deaths by suicide each year.


laugh at yourself and know your limitations.


tell your wife that dinner was “a bit salty.” (Also, never draft Adrian Peterson with the first pick in your fantasy football draft.)

Favorite Quote…

“All our young lives we search for someone to love. Someone who makes us complete. We dance to a song of heartbreak and hope, all the while wondering if somewhere, somehow, there’s someone perfect who might be searching for us.” — Kevin Arnold, The Wonder Years

Biggest Dream…

is to be remembered as a person who dedicated his life to helping the underdogs. It’s an uphill battle, but the successes make the effort worth it.

My Pet Peeve(s) are…

people who do not take responsibility for their actions, people who misspell “weird,” and those who do not use the Oxford comma.

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