Name: Jason Hutzler
Twitter: @hutzlerlaw
Facebook: Hutzler Law, PLLC
Instagram: @hutzlerlawpllc
Website: www.hutzlerlaw.com
Age: How old do you want me to be?
Title: Owner/Attorney
City you live in: Phoenix
A typical day in my life includes… Fruit and vegetable smoothie to start the day.
I was born… in Saudi Arabia (Dad was in the oil business)
My favorite thing about Arizona… Is the Summer because you don’t shovel sunshine.
I’m listening to… Lynyrd Skynyrd
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be… The one and only Holly Bock.
One thing I cannot live without… Fried Chicken
When I was younger, I wanted to be… an Astronaut
I’m inspired by… fear of failure.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be… No child should go to bed hungry.
The perfect day would be… Lines in the water by 7.
My first job was… taco artist at Taco Bell.
My favorite escape… Mowing the lawn.
My life… has nothing to complain about.
I’m currently working on… some philanthropic work to aid and assist the residentially challenged.
Always… Believe in yourself.
Never… cook bacon naked!
Favorite Quote… Trying is failing, there is only do or do not.
Biggest Dream… Get a boat big enough to sail around the world.
My Pet Peeve(s)… chewing with your mouth open.
Bio-on yourself/company: Jason Hutzler has worked in Personal Injury for over 20 years. Prior to becoming an Attorney, Jason worked for the insurance companies as a an Adjuster, and then as an Insurance Defense Attorney after graduating from the University of Miami School of Law in 2010. The combination of his experience provides him with a unique insight on how insurance companies build defense cases and can anticipate the types of tactics insurance companies use.
Jason decided as an Insurance Defense Attorney that he wanted to represent the injured victims of negligence instead of helping insurance companies stay rich. Jason is dedicated to helping his clients recover the maximum compensation they deserve and found Hutzler Law to accomplish just that. He is compassionate and understands how people’s lives can be impacted by catastrophic injuries and fatalities. Jason and his team at Hutzler Law are proud to offer clients the following:
- Over 100 years of combined Personal Injury experience as a firm
- Boutique style, team-oriented law firm that prioritize client relationships
- Free property damage assistance
- An experienced trial attorney, who is Litigation ready.
Jason Hutzler has recovered tens of millions of dollars on behalf of his clients who have been injured because of car accidents, slip and falls, dog bites and wrongful deaths across Arizona.