Name: Doug Zanes
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DougZanes
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dougzanes/
Website: https://zaneslaw.com/
Age: 52
Title: Founding Partner/President/CEO at Zanes Law Injury Lawyers
Married/Single: Married
Kids: Two Daughters
City you live in: Phoenix
A typical day in my life includes… Getting up early and going to the gym. Pick up coffee for me and a vanilla latte for Claudia. Get ready and head to the office for a day of work. Some days are about business, others are about casework. But all days involve working with the firm’s other litigators so that all of our clients get the representation that I expect. At the end of the day, I head home for dinner and a glass of wine with Claudia.
I was born…in Tucson, AZ in 1969
My favorite thing about Arizona…is the fact that it is open and life is normal. I have a newfound respect for freedom that I have gained by being in Arizona over the past two years. Second to that is the sunsets, especially when in Tucson, and diverse scenery. The beauty of Southern Arizona is different from Phoenix, which is much different from Northern Arizona.
I’m listening to…music that moves my spirit and forces the stress to melt away. One of my favorites is an artist named Parijat.
My family…is why I wake up each morning and do everything that I do.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be…my wife Claudia. We have had thousands of dinners together and I hope for thousands more. We have been married for twenty years and I am more excited about our next twenty years together than anything else. She makes all my tomorrows better than my yesterdays, which is the best gift ever.
One thing I cannot live without…the regular trips to tropical paradises that Claudia and I take.
When I was younger, I wanted to be…a guy who worked with the ski patrol.
I’m inspired by…people who are kind, open, and joyful. These are things that I aspire to be but am not always successful at.
The one person who motivates me is…me. This is one thing that I will take credit for. I have always been self-motivated and believe that success requires that.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be… judgment. I’m a big believer in live and let live. Don’t tell me how to live my life and I won’t tell you how to live yours.
My first job was…washing cars, cleaning the service department and bathrooms, and being a laborer at my dad’s small-town Ford dealership. I learned hard work for about $1.00 / hour. When I was in trouble it was .25 cents/hour. Looking back, it really was a gift.
My favorite escape…these days it’s Tulum with Claudia.
My life…has been amazing so far. I have been extremely fortunate and am grateful for all of the wonderful experiences that I have had.
I’m currently working on…the next evolution of me.
Always…be grateful for the time that we have. Cherish those who you love. I used to think that life was long, but I’ve learned that is not always the case.
Never…stop experiencing new things. Never stop growing as a person.
Favorite Quote…”Always make your future bigger than your past.”
Biggest Dream…I’m living it!
My Pet Peeve(s)…egos that are too big, people who aren’t self-aware, people who are self-absorbed, cowards who hide behind the anonymity of the internet, lazy people, people who believe that they can build themselves up by tearing someone else down……basically mean people and haters.
Bio-on yourself/company: Doug Zanes grew up on the Arizona/Mexico border in Douglas, Arizona. His parents were entrepreneurs and small business owners. Doug enjoyed growing up in a small town and is grateful to have had so much exposure to the Mexican culture during his childhood. “I have always loved spending time in Mexico, and this began when I was growing up in Douglas.”
Doug started Zanes Law Injury Lawyers with his wife Claudia in 2003 in Tucson. Doug was the lawyer and Claudia was the business person. Together, they quickly built what is now the biggest personal injury law firm brand in Southern Arizona. Then in 2015 they expanded the firm to Phoenix, the city that they now call home.
Zanes Law Injury Lawyers is a litigation personal injury law firm. Our focus is catastrophic injury litigation, wrongful death litigation, and civil rights litigation, and we pride ourselves on our ability to get six and seven-figure case resolutions. Our ability to do this has allowed us to collect almost $500,000,000 in case settlements for our clients over the past eighteen-years.