Name: Theresa Cheung
Website: www.theresacheung.com (links to my author pages on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are there.)
Age: 55
Title: Author
Married/Single: Married
Kids: 2
City you live in: Windsor, UK
A typical day in my life includes… writing, walking, podcasting, and answering reader messages.
I was born… into a family of astrologers, psychics, and spiritualists in Sussex, UK.
My favorite thing about Arizona…. apart from the great outdoors and stunning parks is, without doubt, the light, the sunlight, the glorious mind, body, heart and soul boosting weather.
I’m listening to… Enya
My family… inspires me every day. My son is a Royal College of Music scholarship student and my daughter is reading Theology at Cambridge University. My husband grounds all this creativity with a much-needed dose of common sense.
If I could have dinner with anyone… it would be Kamala Harris.
One thing I cannot live without… is my family and my little dog, Arnie
When I was younger, I wanted to be… a ballerina.
I’m inspired by… Oprah and J.K Rowling
The one person who motivates me… is myself.
If I could change anything in the world… it would be for people to be more open-minded and empathetic towards one another.
The perfect day… would be writing, walking my dog, spending time with loved ones.
My first job was… editorial assistant for a new age publisher.
My favorite escape… is swimming.
My life… is rewarding. Every day brings new surprises and revelations. I would have it no other way.
I’m currently working on… promoting my books, including the recently published Astrology Fix (Quarto), and writing my next book. I’m a prolific (serial:) spiritual author.
Always… be curious.
Never… give up on yourself.
Favorite Quote… You are what you repeatedly do.
Biggest Dream… See my loved ones fulfilling their dreams and my readers living their best lives. Personally, I’d love to be a New York Times bestselling author and to own my own new age bookstore in Arizona complete with coffee shop and author talks.
My Pet Peeve(s)… Litter, eating food in cinemas, badly made coffee, people not thinking for themselves and not celebrating the utterly unique miracle of DNA they are born under the stars to be.