Name: Ashley Wineland
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/AshleyEWineland
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/AshleyWinelandMusic
Instagram: http://www.Instagram.com/AshleyWinelandMusic
Website: http://www.AshleyWineland.com
Age: 22
Title: Official CMT Artist
Married/Single: Single
Kids: 0
City you live in: Glendale, Arizona
A typical day in my life includes… any combination of things! There really isn’t a ‘typical’ day…every day is different, which is something that I love about what I do! A day in my life could include interviews, business meetings, studio time, vocal lessons, charitable work on behalf of my platforms, or an appearance/performance (which these days is done virtually).
Also, depending on the day of the week, I host a live broadcast on social media (Tuesday/Instagram, Friday/Facebook). In-between all the scheduled activities, I grab some time to hone my skills as a musician (I play several instruments), I work out to keep my body in shape (a must!), and I also carve out time to keep up with my studies (I graduate this year from ASU…yay!) And, of course, at some juncture, I do like to eat and sleep!
I was born… in the heart of Phoenix, Arizona, on March 30, 1998.
My favorite thing about Arizona… is the various ecosystems and the beautiful views and the adventures they provide!
I’m listening to… my new music (I’m in the mixing phase of my upcoming album) and a lot of Americana music.
My family… is extremely supportive and definitely knows how to have a good time!
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be… my Great Grandma and Grandpa Wineland. They both passed before I was born. I would have loved to have known them!
One thing I cannot live without… sleep! I am a ‘nap queen’ and can make myself comfortable anywhere to recoup any hours missed! This is a skill that definitely comes in handy when I’m on tour!
When I was younger, I wanted to be… a veterinarian. However, high school chemistry made me realize that the medical route may not be up my ally.
I’m inspired by… seeing other people go out and conquer their days and realize their dreams. I also inspired by the beauty of the natural world and what people can create from it.
The one person who motivates me is… my Dad. He knows me so well and humbles me to make sure that I know what to do in order to stay on the right track.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be… to remove the notion that malicious actions are needed to get a desired result.
The perfect day would be… me waking up on a farm, tending to animals and a garden, riding on horseback, and enjoying the world around me. This is my future goal and to me, represents fulfillment. From a work perspective, it would mean that I’m waking up on a tour bus on my next tour, getting my workout in, attending soundcheck, doing press and meet and greets in the afternoon, and have an amazing show that night…and repeat!
My first job was… music. I began my musical journey when I was 14 and I’ve maintained that job.
My favorite escape… is riding horseback. There’s nothing more liberating than ‘flying’ across the land and feeling that connection as ‘one’ with the animal!
My life… has an odd ebb and flow, almost a ‘hurry up and wait.’ I’m either on the clock with a million things to do, places to be, people to see, etc., or I’m doing a lot of behind-the-scenes work, spending time with family and friends, and laying on the low end of things. I’m always moving forward, but the speed changes throughout the year.
I’m currently working on… my new album ‘I’m Gonna Ride.’ I’m releasing the singles first so I can deliver new music to my fanbase throughout 2021, which will culminate with the album release. Also, I’m in the midst of shooting my next music video, which includes a huge production/dance number…it’s so much fun to be able to (literally) kick up my boots!
Always… have music running through my head. It never turns off. I also always strive to achieve the goals I set for each day, with the hope that with hard work and perseverance, I am carving the path for my best future success.
Never… back down! Even on the days where it sounds really tempting…never let that voice in your head talk you out of what you know has to be done.
Favorite Quote… ‘The best way to take care of the future is to take care of the present moment.’ Thich Nhat Hanh
Biggest Dream… is to have a life-long career in the entertainment industry where I can support my family, have a ranch, and create to my heart’s content.
My Pet Peeve(s)… when people don’t chew with their mouth closed (especially when chewing gum), ASMR, and when people cut food incorrectly. This REALLY bugs me!
More about Ashley Wineland:
With several national tours under her belt, Official CMT Artist Ashley Wineland’s voracious vocals, relatable demeanor, and soulful sound have left an indelible impression on audiences. Along the way in her musical journey, the diminutive girl-next-door with a voice and heart as vast and vibrant as the Arizona desert has amassed a fervent global fanbase (AKA “Winelanders”) and a colossal presence on social media.
Possessing the impassioned spirit of an old-world troubadour, Ashley’s enthralling songs strike a chord of authenticity while capturing the heartbeat of the heartland. Years of hard work, dedication to her craft, and a close, personal connection to her fans have found Ashley in demand at top music events, a frequent guest on television and radio alike, and a sought-after subject of media outlets.
When not in the studio or racking up the miles while on tour, Ashley lends her time and talent to charitable causes, utilizing her growing celebrity to raise awareness and garner attention for compelling causes close to her heart. As she looks to her next career milestones, including the launch of her next album “I’m Gonna Ride,” due out in 2021, this scintillating storyteller is on a quest to bring back the core elements that are sorely missing from the genre…and isn’t it about time for some TRUE COUNTRY?