Trendsetter to Know: Dr. James Mallory

Name: Dr. James Mallory




Age: 43

Married/Single: Single

Kids: 2

City you live in: North Scottsdale

A typical day in my life includes…

wake up, do yoga, pray, go to work with treats of some sort for the office staff, be as attentive and professional as possible with my patients all through the day, go to the gym, go to dinner some place fun and have a few drinks, eat a pint of ice cream and watch Netflix until I fall asleep.

I was born…

in Temple, TX.

My favorite thing about Arizona is…

the magnificent sunsets! They’re so stunning, the whole town seem to stop what they’re doing for a few moments just to watch.

I’m listening to…

A List by Eazy Mac.

My family…

is from Texas and will make you laugh for days!

If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be…

at Shake Shack with my dog Zeus. The Poochini is his favorite.

One thing I cannot live without…

is an internet connection. Sitting on a flight with no WiFi is the worst!

When I was younger…

I wanted to be a pro skater. Tony Hawk was my idol as a kid.

I’m inspired by…

many people inspire me on a daily basis. Listening to stories of success and achievements is just something I love! Watching others overcome challenges and still be happy offers lessons that enrich my own life. I try to help those around me to be elevated, and that’s inspiring.

The one person who motivates me is…

Mel Alicia Rodriguez. She has the most amazing work ethic and is driven and intentional with her goals. Not to mention she has a special way of connecting with people. She motivates me to work hard and be better!

If I could change anything in the world, it would be…

I’d make sure Chick-fil-A was open on Sundays.

The perfect day would be…

anything that left sand in my toes.

My first job was…

at age 13. I convinced my friend’s dad to let me borrow his lawn mower so I could mow lawns in the neighborhood. As soon as I turned 16 I got a job as a server at a Mexican cantina.

My favorite escape…

the water. It has such a healing way. I’m in Hawaii as often as possible. So much so I have a license to practice there. I also try to find time to take the boat out once or twice a week to one of our many gorgeous lakes.

My life…

could be on a reality TV show! I love life and try to live it to the fullest. Is it possible to have too much fun?

I’m currently working on…

building my practice, improving myself mentally, physically and spiritually as well as strengthening my relationships.


say yes. Have you seen Jim Carey in the movie Yes Man? Yes, it’s a funny movie but by the end the main character grew and experienced so much that ultimately he became a better person. All simply by saying yes.


speak negatively to yourself. One of the first lesson I learned on my journey to self-love.

Favorite Quote…

“Be so busy loving your life, that you have no time for worry, regret, hate or fear.”

Biggest Dream…

is to finally be satisfied enough to just relax and not feel the need to go conquer something, lol.

My Pet Peeve(s)…

is a dirty house. I believe our attitude and mood reflects the state of our home. Have you ever noticed that when your house is sparkly clean you just feel better?

More about Dr. Mallory…

James B. Mallory, Jr. DMD is the owner of Dentists of Scottsdale. He serves his patients 5 days a week and select Saturdays. His office offers cosmetic and general dentistry as well as Oral Surgery (wisdom teeth) and Endodontics (root canals). He is also able to provide cutting edge technology in implants, cone beam imaging (CT) and same-day Cerec crowns and veneers. Dr. Mallory enjoys serving others, whether that be patients within his office or patients in Ethiopia, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Brazil and of course serving a variety of people in need locally.

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