Trendsetter to Know: Dr. Laura Stewart

Name:  Dr. Laura Stewart



Age: 50

Title: Executive Director and Founder of Recovia

Married/Single: married

Kids: three; Calli – 21, Emily – 17, and Max -16

City you live in: Phoenix (North Central)

A typical day in my life includes…

a little bit of everything – mostly presenting and educating within the health care community about Recovia’s unique integrated approach to opioid and chronic pain treatment. I also focus on keeping each clinic’s “feel” just as it should be so patients feel welcomed, safe and not judged.

I was born…

in Phoenix, Arizona and I am a third-generation native Arizonian!

My favorite thing about Arizona…

the sunsets, I can’t get enough

I’m listening to…

usually country music with a little NPR thrown in there.

My family…

is my everything. Like everyone, I work to find the right work-life balance (it may be a myth but we are all going for it anyway). I love the rare occasions we are all together and able to share a homemade meal together and just exist together.

If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be…

Hoda Kotb. She has found a way to navigate even the most difficult situations with grace and amazing positivity.

One thing I cannot live without…


When I was younger, I wanted to be…

a news anchor.

I’m inspired by…

my patients. I am amazed by what patients can do to improve their life given the right environment and resources. The many success stories and testimonials give me the inspiration to keep going and work through challenges every day.

The one person who motivates me is…

my niece Courtney, she has Cerebral Palsy and has preserved through many challenges and is now in a Master’s program.

If I could change anything in the world, it would be…

cruelty to animals – I just can’t fathom it.

The perfect day would be…

any day a patient walks up to me and thanks me for the program. Luckily I get to enjoy lots of perfect days.

My first job was…

marketing for a radio station.

My favorite escape…

anytime I get with my family.

My life…

has been the most amazing journey and I wouldn’t change anything about it.

I’m currently working on…

expanding Recovia’s model, the possibilities are limitless.


work out on Monday.


let the thoughts that you are not good enough stay too long, they aren’t true.

Favorite Quote…

“This too shall pass.”

Biggest Dream…

being on the Today show with Hoda Kotb, drinking coffee.

My Pet Peeve(s)…

loud cell phone talkers in public places.

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