Name: Dr. Aja Murphy
Twitter: @revivehivetempe
Facebook: The Revive Hive
Title: Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
Married/Single: Married
Kids: 2
City you live in: Gilbert
A typical day in my life includes… it starts off with a morning walk to reflect and reenergize. After the application of my finest negotiation tactics to get my 3 year old dressed for daycare, then it’s off to practicing medicine and researching to offer cutting edge ways to improve and sustain the health of my patients. My day ends just like any other working mother/wife, dinner and some “we time” with my husband and daughter.
I was born…the youngest of five children in Chicago, IL.
My favorite thing about Arizona…is waking up every day to a sun that warms my heart and inspires my soul. The Arizona sun always gives me the sense of another opportunity for a fresh start.
I’m listening to…a mix of genres. Some Oldies but Goodies (the 60’s and the 70’s) from my father’s dusty musiccollection. I also love to throw in some hits from the 80’s and 90’s. When my creative brain is at work, I need something smooth like Brian Culbertson or J.White.
My family…is everything. We are close knit and collectively– they are responsible for all that I am today. I have such a wide net of support and love from immediate and extended family which is not easy to come by. It’s my most prized treasure.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be… I would most like to have dinner with is the one I try have dinner with every night, my husband.
One thing I cannot live without…is love. Love for others; Feeling loved; Love for making things better and most importantly the love for making people feel better.
When I was younger I wanted to be…a doctor- I always sensed healing was the path for me.
I’m inspired by…my late grandfather, a visionary with humble beginnings who took an old vacant corner building on the Southside of Chicago and converted it into a Tavern. From there, he parlayed it into a neighborhood cultural meeting spot— giving some of the best live local and global music performers’ a “down home blues” entertainment venue. His entrepreneurial spirit, wit, and sacrifice for family were incredible.
The one person who motivates me is…my three year old daughter, Trinity. I want her to see all the facets and abilities of a woman. I know she is watching and will emulate me. I want her to see fearless, so she will be fearless.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be…that all people have access to food and reliable health care.
The perfect day would be…a walk, deep body massage, and a vitamin infusion while lying on the beach.
My first job was…a mentor for potential first generation college students.
My favorite escape… sitting outside with a good cup of coffee, listening to music; I can always find one of life’s lessons in the music or in the lyrics.
My life… is ever learning, evolving, giving, and loving with infinite possibilities!
I’m currently working on… expanding immunity-boosting options available and diligently following trends of nutritional supplementation for Covid19 patients.
Always… invest in your wellness. You’ll get no greater return on investment.
Never… hesitate to tell someone the impact they have had in your life.
Favorite Quote… “It always seems impossible until it’s done”– Nelson Mandela
Biggest Dream… I’d love to expand services and access to vitamin infusions. Engaging the body’s self-healing mechanisms is key as an osteopathic physician. Vitamin infusions help facilitate this. Deepak Chopra stated, “Medicine of the future will give everyone the ability to become their own best healer.”
My Pet Peeve(s)… Pretending to be ok when you’re not. When my mom says she is doing fine, I know that she is not— even though she is always there for everyone-she never likes to bother anyone with her concerns. People deserve to receive the same love and nurturing that they bestow upon others.

More About Dr. Aja Murphy:
Aja Murphy, D.O. is a board-certified Family Medicine physician. Dr. Murphy was born and raised in Chicago, IL. She received a bachelor’s degree in biology from Hampton University. Subsequently, she earned a master’s degree in biomedical sciences at Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine.
While she was in pursuit of a Masters Degree, she was exposed to osteopathic principles and holistic medicine. As such, she learned to see each person as a unit of body, mind, and spirit, treating the person as opposed to the disease. She opted to become an osteopathic physician to pursue a medical career with a patient-centered approach to medicine and preventative health. Ultimately, she graduated from Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine, with honors.
Dr. Murphy completed her training in Family Medicine and worked in a clinical setting for several years. She could not help but notice the nutritional deficiencies of her patients and the upward trend in the obesity epidemic.
This observation prompted her to leave traditional medicine to focus on the nutritional foundation of her patient’s. She is committed to developing individualized, patient-centered care while REVIVING one’s health.