Trendsetter to Know: Dr. Douglas Kirkpatrick, Hospital Physician at Tucson Medical Center

Name: Dr. Douglas Kirkpatrick

Facebook: @doug.kirkpatrick.7

Instagram: @dougk610

Age: Over 40 🙂

Title: Hospital Physician at Tucson Medical Center

Married/Single: Single

Kids: Adrian and Alaina, both very successful and I’m proud to be their dad

City you live in: Tucson, Arizona

A typical day in my life includes…  I’m awake by 5:20, take care of the cats, go to the hospital for rounds. One of the following after work: Go for a run, do weight training, or practice taekwondo. The night usually ends with a 5-star dinner of cereal and toast. 

I was born… in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

My favorite thing about Arizona… The heat, and monsoons! I enjoy mid-day outdoor running in the months of July and August. The hotter the better!

I’m listening to… HANDL on the Law, KNST-AM 790, and K-HIT 107.5

My family… Is awesome! We love going to adventures, and always have a lot of laughs. 

If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be… Joaquin Phoenix – because he is one of the best modern days actors (The Joker was beyond brilliant), and he is a vegan and champion of animal rights/welfare.  

One thing I cannot live without… My Christian faith

When I was younger, I wanted to be… A meteorologist. I was watching the weather channel in medical  school, and saw a familiar letter with bad handwriting and recognized that it was my fan letter saying how much I loved watching the station.

I’m inspired by… Kind and generous people who give sometimes beyond their means.

The one person who motivates me is… My brother Ted. Although he passed away this year from pulmonary fibrosis, he continues to inspire me daily. 

If I could change anything in the world, it would be… To end animal abuse of all kinds, including entertainment, breeding, trophy hunting, and factory farming. 

The perfect day would be… Exploring a remote corner of the world that I’ve never been to with a hint of danger. The night would end in laughter and a Michelob Ultra while watching the upcoming Biden and Trump debate.  

My first job was… Groundskeeper at a cemetery.

My favorite escape…  Meeting good friends at Yardhouse and having a drink at the bar

My life… Has been filled with close family and friends, a rewarding hospitalist job, and remarkably good health.

I’m currently working on… Improving how I can connect with patients better.

Always… Support our Arizona Cardinals, because miracles can happen!

Never… Take advantage of other people and give more than you take. 

Favorite Quote… Riki Gervase “Animal lovers are a special breed with humans – generosity of spirit, full of empathy, perhaps a little prone to sentimentality, and hearts as big as a cloudless sky.”

Biggest Dream… Make a guest appearance to play trombone at a Chicago concert. 

My Pet Peeve(s)… Big pickup trucks that tailgate, fellow doctors that chew granola loudly in the Doctor’s lounge first thing in the morning, that the Phoenix Suns have never won the NBA championship like they so deserve.

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