Name Jacqueline Clow, Holistic Nutrition Clinic AZ
Website: HolisticNutritionClinicAz.com
Facebook: holistic nutrition clinic AZ
Instagram: holistic_ nutrition_ clinic_az
Age: Biological 40 vs chronological age. Want to know yours? I do Bio Energetic Longevity Testing
Title: Bio-Energetic Medicine, Herbal and Nutritional Expert. RNC, HNC, CED/EAV & H
Married/Single: Single & looking for my soul mate, I know he’s out there.
Kids: No kids, not pets, just plants
City you live in: North Scottsdale
A typical day in my life includes… starts with prayer to prep my soul, followed by fresh fruits, energizing herbs & nutrients, to fortify me for the day.
I was born… I was born under a Sagittarius sun and a Scorpio Moon.
My favorite thing about Arizona… the sunshine most every day of the year, followed by the purple haze at sunset on the mountains.
I’m listening to… I’m listing to Joel Osteen daily pod casts to inspire me and help me keep the faith. Alternatively my theme song is High Hopes by Panic in the Disco.
My family…instilled me with the best values possible work hard, be honest and be kind to your neighbor.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be… God, to ask him if there’s a gentler/kinder parallel universe to jump on to. Plus I heard he makes the best wine.
One thing I cannot live without… The 4-Elements: Water, through out my day. Fire, feeling the sun on my face. Earth, seeing the beauty, of plants surrounding me. Wind, having fresh air
When I was younger, I wanted to be… around nature.
I’m inspired by… by perseverance, good people who fall, who get up the next day and try again.
The one person who motivates me is… Nelson Mandela. No amount of hate could break his spirit. In the end he prevailed.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be if the world would see all the healing, nutrition and natural medicine we need, surrounds us in nature and we should invest and protect it. It should be free to everyone.
The perfect day would be… world peace!
My first job was… My first job was when I was five and I took part planting the family garden.
My favorite escape… is a hot day at a clean ocean, nature’s hydrotherapy, with a fresh mango margarita.
My life… is unfolding for my divine purpose.
I’m currently working on… learning social media. In addition, I’ve embarked on a Peruvian Shamanism Program. Plants are much simpler.
Always… be kind to everyone you meet, including yourself. The world always needs more kindness.
Never…… put other person down to make yourself feel better.
Favorite Quote… “Let Food be Thy Medicine” – Hippocrates
Biggest Dream… to be fulfilled in every aspect of my life.
My Pet Peeve(s)… people not doing onto others, as they would wish to be done to them.

More About Jacqueline Clow:
Jacqueline is a graduate of the Academy of International BioEnergetic Sciences in London. She has practiced BioEnergetic Medicine for 15 years. This includes being a Certified Computerized Vega Sensitivity Testing Practitioner CEDS/EAV. Diagnostics include Full Body Diagnostics and Organ Testing, Food, Allergy, Air Borne, and Environmental Sensitivity Testing, along with testing supplement compatibility.
Her particular CEDS/EAV protocol using acupuncture points (without piercing the skin) enables her to utilize precise readings and diagnostics of the body’s systems. The testing helps select your most compatible product for improvement, along with her recommendations for specific diet and lifestyle changes for accelerated healing and results.
Jacqueline has been a Registered Nutritional Counselor, Registered Holistic Nutrition Consultant, and Clinic owner for 9 years. Jacqueline has been a practicing herbalist for 24 years and is a Holistic Herbal Studies Program graduate. She uses preventative medicine, anti-aging protocols, and specialty diets.
Jacqueline uses Epi-Genetics, which is the science of turning on and off the genes of diseases, by changing diets, lifestyles, and adding specific supplements and herbs. She incorporates her Vega diagnostics, which allows her to looks at what ones are presently indicating imbalances and helps the client to make changes to positively affect them.