Trendsetters to Know: Katherine Sanchez & Chelsea Matteson, InSight Psychology

Katherine Sanchez & Chelsea Matteson

Name: Katherine H. Sanchez, PhD & Chelsea L. Matteson, PsyD


Age: Katherine: 34; Chelsea: 32

Title: Child & Teen Psychologists

Married/Single: Chelsea: Married; Katherine: Happily committed

Kids: Chelsea: 6 month old baby boy, our Belgian Malinois “Kaliber”, and our Chocolate Labrador “Mogi” Katherine: 6 month old boy, 3 year old girl, and our Belgian Malinois “Luka” 

City you live in: Chelsea: West Valley; Katherine: Scottsdale

A typical day in my life includes… 
Chelsea: No day starts without a coffee! After feeding my pups their breakfast, I snuggle my baby and head to the office for the day. Between seeing children and families, Katherine and I are typically navigating ways to continue growing our business and connecting with other professionals in the valley. After finishing my work day, when I am feeling on top of my game, my husband and I head to the gym for a workout together while our son has some fun with his childcare buddies. We typically end our night with dinner, doing our night routine with our son, and watching a mindless reality show or outdoor Youtube video on the couch with our pups.   

Katherine: I’ve always been an early riser, so my typical day begins around 5am to have some time to myself before the kids wake up. I get our 3 year old daughter ready for preschool while my partner feeds our son. My commute to work isn’t complete without a podcast or my favorite Spotify playlist. During our workday, Chelsea and I typically bounce between seeing patients, managing business tasks, and brainstorming ways to keep improving our work. I know many moms can relate to the fact that evenings as a mom of two are always eventful and consist of reading many children’s books (often multiple times!), playing on the floor, tidying up the house, eating dinner, and tucking the little ones in for the night. 

I was born… Chelsea: in Arizona and I am a proud 4th generation Arizonan; Katherine: Lara, Venezuela and moved to Arizona as an adolescent

My favorite thing about Arizona…
Chelsea: Is the opportunity to travel to different scenery within the same state. There aren’t many places where you can snowboard up North and waterski or wakeboard in the Valley within the same week. I also love being within drivable distance from fun vacation spots like Mexico, California, Colorado, Las Vegas… 

Katherine: As much as the intense Arizona heat scares quite a few out there, I really enjoy the warm evening breeze and stunning sunsets Arizona has to offer. Several of my Venezuelan family members have had the privilege to move here over the last decade, so Arizona has always been my home away from home. 

I’m listening to…
Chelsea: One of three things: 1.) True crime podcasts 2.) Country music and 3.) My baby babbling and my dogs playing

Katherine: Oologies by Ali Ward and Where Shall We Begin by Esther Perel

My family…
Chelsea: My family is chaotic but very close and likely always planning our next family trip or get- togethers. 

Katherine: is a group of go-getters who always find any reason to get together, grill outside, put music on, tell stories, and laugh together. 

If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be…
Chelsea: Kevin Hart (who wouldn’t enjoy laughing through a whole meal?!) or Olympic gymnast Shawn Johnson 

Katherine: My grandmother. She is the strongest, funniest, most endearing, and loyal person I’ve ever met. 

One thing I cannot live without…
Chelsea: Aside from my family and my sleep, humor. I love surrounding myself with people who make me laugh.  

Katherine: My family and salsa dancing. I’m Venezuelan, I can’t help it!

When I was younger, I wanted to be…
Chelsea: The boss or in charge…always! Also, a college gymnast and a mom. 

Katherine: A pediatrician or an architect. 

I’m inspired by… Chelsea & Kathy: The kids and families we’ve worked with over the years. The best part of our profession is seeing change and growth happen and witnessing families learn the tools they need to thrive. 

The one person who motivates me is…
Chelsea: I have always been a very internally motivated person who tends to be driven by the idea of being better than the version of myself from the day before, but one of the people who has always been in my corner is my Dad. Since I was little he has helped me believe that there are no goals too big for me to set my sights on and to never put a ceiling on what I feel I can accomplish whether it be personally, athletically, or professionally. Through moments of much needed tough or honest love and unwavering support he has been a guiding force for me throughout my life.

Katherine: My partner, Erik, who has always been my rock and cheerleader through life. We have completely different personalities (opposites attract!), yet his humor, empathy, and consistency is all I really need after a long day at work.  

If I could change anything in the world, it would be…
Chelsea: Not being asked to tip for everything and improved customer services… I want to talk to humans again, not robots or prerecorded messages.

Katherine: A childhood in which children can freely play and explore without being addicted and stifled by electronics. 

The perfect day would be…
Chelsea: Exploring a new place and enjoying new experiences on a vacation with my family. 

Katherine: Waking up in a stone cottage deep in the mountains of Scotland near Inverness, as my family and I cuddle in bed while watching classic movies and eating snacks. 

My first job was… Chelsea: Coaching gymnastics. Katherine: Barista at Paradise Bakery

My favorite escape…
Chelsea: Sporadic weekend trips up north camping with my husband, our dogs, and our baby, preferably with no cellphone service so I don’t cave to the temptation to work. 

Katherine: Traveling abroad! Next on the list: Japan. 

My life…
Chelsea: is currently feeling very fulfilled. Since I am a driven person who is constantly on-the-go, it is refreshing to feel content and gratified by all aspects of my life in the present moment. 

Katherine: Never stands still. I’m always chasing after a new professional training, signing my kids up for fun activities, visiting family and friends, and planning our next vacations! 

I’m currently working on… 
Chelsea: Learning the ins and outs of being a new mom and entrepreneur as I grow my family and we build our practice. Also, being more consistent with prioritizing my fitness and health. 

Katherine: My Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) certification, a treatment modality that allows me to provide live coaching to parents with young children struggling with behavioral concerns. I’m one of only a few clinicians in the state working toward a PCIT certification, so this is an incredibly rewarding opportunity to be able to offer to our families. 

Always… Chelsea: Striving to show up for myself. Katherine: Endlessly cleaning my floors! When you own a Belgian Malinois … 

Never… Chelsea: can I find my way without using Google Maps. Katherine: Will you find me without my 3 calendars trying to get my life in order!

Favorite Quote…
Chelsea: Brene Brown is a quote master and two of my favorites are “Strong back, soft front, wild hearts… showing up being both fierce and kind” & “Vulnerability is not winning or losing. It’s having the courage to show up when you can’t control the outcome.” 

Katherine: “Every song ends … But is that a reason not to enjoy the music?” by Peyton Sawyer from one of my favorite T.V. shows: One Tree Hill.

Biggest Dream… 
Chelsea: Being able to watch my kids grow up to achieve their dreams. 

Katherine: Seeing my home country, Venezuela, find peace and having the opportunity to show my children the beautiful country and rich culture I grew up in. 

My Pet Peeve(s)…
Chelsea: A messy or unorganized home and poor customer services… big supporter of being kind!

Katherine: Being late or tardy

Bio-on yourself/company: Located in North Scottsdale, InSight Psychology offers evaluations and specialized therapy for children, teens, young adults, and families. Our practice is centered around offering therapeutic approaches that are solidly based on research and have been shown to be effective and practical, so that therapy doesn’t have to be a lifelong commitment. Instead, our families see change and feel rewarded as they witness their child flourish. Our hope is that we can walk side-by-side with families while offering them the tools that they need to help their children thrive. 

We provide effective therapy for anxiety disorders (generalized anxiety, social anxiety, separation anxiety, phobias, OCD, perfectionism/rigidity), teen depression, and young child ADHD and disruptive behaviors. Additionally, if your  child is struggling at school or you’ve had parent gut-feeling that there is something else going on, we also specialize in formal and child-focused evaluations for ADHD, learning differences, Autism, giftedness/2E, and other neurodevelopmental concerns. 

I (Katherine) was born and raised in Venezuela and moved to the U.S. as a young adolescent and therefore personally familiar with the impact that immigration and acculturation have on adolescent identity and family development. As a fourth generation native to Arizona and a former college gymnast, I (Chelsea) have maintained an eagerness to support my local community and youth athletes. Our innate work ethic, drive, and compassion has paved the way to where we are today. 

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