Name: Chelsea Martin
Age: 32
Title: Owner & Mistress of Marketing at Noms Bake Shop
Married/Single: Married to my boss, coworker, friend, and alarm clock, Trevor
Kids: Currently the adopted mother of a 3-year-old Great Dane (Remington) and a 5-year-old Boxer/Mastiff (Julius)
City you live in: Scottsdale, Arizona
A typical day in my life includes…
waking up before the sun (and before the email inbox inevitably fills up) to hit the weights and clear my mind before the day (aka listen to ‘90’s pop music). As a business owner, my day-to-day can change relatively significantly, but I always try to make room for time with the husband, time with the pups, and at least one Noms cookie (typically Peanut Butter & Jelly or Chocolate Brownie Crinkle), though it often turns into two or three.
I was born…
on a military base in Millington, Tennessee many moons ago.
My favorite thing about Arizona…
is the all-too-short autumn season, monsoon season, the sunsets, and when the desert turns green right after it rains.
I’m listening to…
a lot of Joe Rogan podcasts on my way into work with Trevor. It gives me the false illusion that I’m now an expert of everything while also knowing very little about anything. At work, it’s an array of sounds, from cookies being crafted at the kitchen to the bustling of orders being made and shipped out/picked up, or just the simple daily on-goings of calls and meetings at the corporate office. The main thing I’m trying to listen to is people: our customers, our employees, my intuition, and any and every one I can learn from as we navigate these waters of owning and building a business.
My family…
is big. I grew up with eight siblings and just recently acquired two more into my collection when I married Trevor. Between working with some, living with others, and all of them during the holidays, it’s perfect madness, and I’d have it no other way.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be…
maybe me from the future so I can find out if I ever learned to put together outfits that aren’t just black athletic wear.
One thing I cannot live without…
is ice cream. I make it a ritual to have it every night, and if I am too tired, I have it for breakfast the next morning because I feel like I cheated myself. My family is important too, and I think maybe oxygen would be a good one, but ice cream is my final answer.
When I was younger, I wanted to be…
a forensic anthropologist. I went to grad school for forensic anthropology and even worked on cases at the LA County Coroner before transitioning into a related field: cookies.
I’m inspired by…
my parents (all 6 of them – I have a lot of parents). Each of them have inspired me in various ways, from their incredible work ethic to their unwavering love for family to their undeniable personal strength and ability to overcome life’s unpredictable challenges.
The one person who motivates me is…
without a doubt my husband. Since day one, he’s been in my corner, supporting any crazy idea that I’ve decided to pursue.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be…
free access to clean water around the world for everyone.
The perfect day would be…
a food tour through a new city or sleeping in and ordering pizza straight to bed both sound like excellent days to me.
My first job was…
data entry for a travel company. Nothing makes you want to travel more than doing data entry in a cubicle for hours every day.
My favorite escape…
is, during my typical day-to-day, the gym. As a destination, I’ve found an escape in any new place I’ve had the opportunity to explore, whether it’s a massive European city like Rome, an ocean paradise such as Bora Bora, or tiny mountain town in Colorado. I love getting to experience new places, people, and food.
My life…
is an incredible collection of odd and entertaining experiences.
I’m currently working on…
myself and our company. A never-ending project!
save room for dessert.
not save room for dessert.
Favorite Quote…
“Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you are right.” – Henry Ford
Biggest Dream…
is to grow our business to be able to support our family, provide more jobs, support more philanthropic initiatives, and be able to buy one of those rotating wine rack things that comes out of the floor.
My Pet Peeve(s)…
people who are mean to dogs and the sound of Styrofoam.