Name: Danny Collier
Age: 33
Title: Holistic Health & Fitness Coach
Married/Single: Single
Kids: no
City you live in: Phoenix
A typical day in my life includes…
I usually get up before sunrise, make a delicious, nutrient dense plant based smoothie and have quiet time to myself meditating, reading and practicing yoga. I’m then off to the gym or a clients house to do a personal training session or functional training class. I usually train with clients until the early afternoon and then I may do a grocery store tour with a clean nutrition client or meet at their house to do a cooking demo. I usually finish up the evening getting in a workout myself or teaching a functional training class at Montelucia Resort in Paradise Valley.
I was born…
in the heart of the Midwest, St. Louis Missouri but I moved all around as a kid; North and South Carolina, Tennessee and eventually beautiful Arizona.
My favorite thing about Arizona…
is the beautiful desert landscape, the amazing weather to train and hike outside most of the year.
I’m listening to…
all kinds of music. There isn’t really a genre I don’t like!
My family…
is spread out all over the place. My older brother and his family live in Ohio and my two younger brothers live in South Carolina and my mom and twin sister live in the Phoenix area and most of my extended family still live in St. Louis.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be…
the Dalai Lama.
One thing I cannot live without…
my high performance BlendTec blender. I use it multiple times a day to make smoothies, soups, creams, etc.
When I was younger, I wanted to be…
an actor. I always loved make believe and being able to play the part of various characters. I actually perused acting for a bit in my early twenties.
I’m inspired by…
kindness and people who view their life through a lense of gratitude.
The one person who motivates me is…
my dear friend and mentor Alma Estafano. She’s a mother, a grandma, a teacher of yoga and mindfulness and kind and beautiful soul. She has not only overcome many hardships in her life, she’s thrived and helped to inspire many others along the way. She’s in her seventies, looks like she easily could be in her early fifties, and has a workout regiment that rivals men in their twenties.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be…
the lack of ONENESS among people. If we realized that we are all connected to each other, we wouldn’t have so many of the issues we do around the world; war, conflict, hunger, etc.
The perfect day would be…
the one I’m having right now!
My first job was…
I had my own lawn care business in middle school and high school days.
My favorite escape…
hiking the beautiful trails surrounding the Phoenix area.
My life…
is a blessing.
I’m currently working on…
building and expanding the Simplicity Fitness brand and services.
show compassion and kindness to others and ourselves.
Favorite Quote…
“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Gandhi
Biggest Dream…
I’m living it. Being able to help others live a healthy life.
My Pet Peeve(s)…