Name: Harrison Rogers
Age: 28
Title: Owner at Lexington Life Academy, Hybryd Systems, LCI Reality and Lexington LLC
Married/Single: Married
Kids: 3 girls and 1 boy
City you live in: Mesa, AZ
A typical day in my life includes…
full-time social work. If I’m not listening to a family member’s problems or frustrations, I’m listening to and solving the problems of employees and business matters. It may seem daunting but I enjoy it!
I was born…
to make a difference in the world. I want to provide a better world for the most dependent among us, and revolutionize the way the world executes business.
My favorite thing about Arizona…
is the people. This state is full of transplants, which is great because it creates a diverse mix of culture, creativity and ideas. Not to mention, it makes for a great state for all types of business.
I’m listening to…
business and self development books via Audible. I have a few books that I consistently re-listen to that I consider my “Business Bibles.” Books like “Good to Great” by Jim Collins, “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie and “Eat That Frog” by Brian Tracy.
My family…
is my motivation. Sacrifice, hard work, stress and success has no purpose for me if I don’t have my family. I dislike clichés, but business has ups-and-downs, money comes and goes, but family is forever.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be…
Marc Cuban. I need him to show me the ropes on owning an NBA franchise, stat!
One thing I cannot live without…
my family, hands down.
When I was younger, I wanted to be…
the President of the United States. But then I realized politicians aren’t always the ones that create positive change in our country. In retrospect, I really wanted to grow up to be the one to make a difference.
I’m inspired by…
my special needs clients and families. They have incredibly unique challenges, yet still struggle with the same day-to-day challenges as everyone else. Whenever I get frustrated about my own difficulties, I am quickly humbled and inspired by those around me.
The one person who motivates me is…
I motivate and critique myself more than anyone else can or will.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be…
education. I would change formal education, and I would make accessing education much easier to those who have no ability to obtain it.
The perfect day would be…
unplugging from the world and spending time with family at our cabin in the mountains, leaving phones and computers behind.
My first job was…
wearing a pig costume, waving at cars on the side of the road for a BBQ restaurant…in the middle of summer in Arizona. Hey, you’ve gotta start somewhere!
My favorite escape…
Las Vegas. My casino host takes great care of us on our stays!
My life…
is incredible. I work hard every day in both my professional and personal life. Balance is very important to me.
I’m currently working on…
taking three companies nationwide and taking one of them public. Here goes nothing!
go to bed exhausted. Put every single ounce of energy into productivity, each and every day.
second guess decisions you have already made.
Favorite Quote…
“Everyone falls occasionally. Always fall forward.” – Harrison Rogers
Biggest Dream…
to own the Phoenix Suns by age 35.
My Pet Peeve(s)…
people blaming bad luck for their lack of success. And people eating with their mouths open. Ew!