Name: Monica Bern
Age: 33
Title: Co-Owner of Modern Mood Jewelry
Married/Single: an awesome boyfriend named Nolan.
Kids: None
City you live in: Scottsdale
A typical day in my life includes…
gym in the morning, work, time with family and friends, snuggling my dogs and talking to my boyfriend who is currently long distance.
I was born…
in Cleveland, OH.
My favorite thing about Arizona…
the sunsets.
I’m listening to…
reggae music, it always makes me feel mellow and happy.
My family…
is super important to me and we are always in one another’s business. Sometimes I think that @crazyjewishmom was based on mine and my mother’s relationship.
If I could have dinner with anyone it would be…
Alana from Broad City. She reminds me a lot of me and my friends. I think she would have a lot of interesting and hilarious things to say which would make for an entertaining meal.
One thing I cannot live without…
apricot LaCroix.
When I was younger I wanted to be…
a bed and breakfast owner in a tropical destination.
I am inspired by…
other female business owners and entrepreneurs.
The one person who motivates me is…
my grandfather. He taught me the importance of giving to others and how you should treat people. He worked every day to make a great life for himself and his family. His generosity and loving nature is what motivates me.
If I could change anything in the world…
I would eradicate cancer.
The perfect day would be…
spending time with my boyfriend and going to get a massage, acupuncture or anything that involves self-care.
My first job…
other than babysitting and being a hostess, my first job out of college was as a recruiter in the healthcare industry.
My favorite escape…
being in a boat on the water.
My life…
has been filled with so much love, support and endless opportunity. I am so grateful for that!
I am currently working on…
mono-tasking. I am always trying to do more than one thing at a time and want to make an effort to give my all to whatever it is I am working on in that moment.
on time.
cilantro (cannot stand it)!
Favorite Quote…
“Being spiritual has nothing to do with what you believe and everything to do with your state of consciousness” –Eckhart Tolle
Biggest Dream…
to continue to live a life that is happy and full!
My pet peeve…
when people chew loudly.